
Saturday, November 22, 2014

17 Months Old

Sweet girl, you are a month away from being a 1.5 year old.  I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!  I remember this time last year you were a itty bitty thing.

Looking forward to you having your first Thanksgiving meal.

You have certainly grown since last year.  You finally hit 19 lbs! 19.2 to be exact.  Someone is close to being forward facing.

Your bedtime is 7 pm, but there have many nights lately where you play in your crib for about 15-20 minutes before falling asleep.  You talk to your animals.  So cute!  We are now getting up at 7 am, thank heavens!  Well, I started leaving you in the crib until I go into your room at 7.  You seem to be content just hanging out until I get you.  Who knows what time you actually wake up.

We nap around 12:30 pm everyday and you'll nap anywhere from 1-2.5 hours.  Depends on the day. Lately, you usually wake around 2 pm.  You still nap on the couch with mommy. I'm trying to get as much cuddles as possible before your little sister or brother arrives.

Your favorite foods and snacks are: Fruit...especially blueberries and strawberries...veggie straws, snapea crisps (dried green beans), Annie's white cheddar bunnies, fried fish, french fries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, soups, black beans, Whole Foods meatloaf, cereal (like your mommy). You'll have regular cows milk in your cereal, but won't drink it on its own.  However, you love vanilla milk.  We have an Organic Valley milk box every night before bath.

Foods you dislike: Not a big fan of sandwiches. You'll just pick the turkey and toss the rest.  But you'll only take a few bites of the turkey.  Sometimes you will eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  Rice.  

You are OBSESSED with books!  Constantly looking at them, want me to read to you, stacking them.  I have to hide them if we've already read them a gazillion times.  

 Your favorite books right now are What Makes A Rainbow?

Still not saying a ton of words, but our new one is "car" and "ock" for sock.  No telling how many words you understand.

You love organization and order.  Constantly lining things up.  Amazing to watch.  You also like putting things away.

You just discovered your belly button.  Always checking it out and then want to look at mommy and daddy's.  So adorable.

You love bracelets and necklaces.  You will put all of my pony tail holders on your wrists and my head bands around you neck.  You will even put all of my bra's around your neck.  

You can now climb on and off the couch, but only by using a cushion on the floor.  We are making progress.  Your not scared to climb into the dryer, however.

 You are scared to slide down the slide by yourself.  I have to give you a little push to get you to go.

You are still obsessed with balls and animals.

You have gone on lots of travels thus far.  Our last trip was to New Orleans.

Your not a fan of the highchair in restaurants.  We now skip the highchair and let you hangout with us in the booth.  You're more content.

You love Elmo and Chica.  Right now this is your favorite video
right now.  So cute watching you.  You'll put your hands on the top of your head when Carly makes her dorsal fin with her hands.  You also like when you freeze like a starfish.  Melt my heart!

You LOVE to give kisses, especially when you are telling someone bye or goodnight.  You stretch out your little neck and tuck your top lip under your bottom lip and it's sugar time.  You also love giving hugs.  You'll run to me at random times to give me your biggest hug.  You are the SWEETEST!

We have loved watching you grow sweet girl and cannot wait to see you grow each and every day.  We are also looking forward to seeing you as a big sister.  I know you are going to be a great little helper.  You will always be my "best" girl!!

We love you sweet darling.  XXOO!!!!


Monday, November 17, 2014

13 Weeks

How Far along are you: 13 weeks.  13 weeks the first go around.

Weight Gain:  1 lb.  Started at 114.6, weighed in today at 115.8

Maternity Clothes: Nope 

Food Cravings: Roast Beef Pita from Pita Delite and cereal.  

Food Aversion:  Vegetables.  I have to force myself to eat any which hasn't been much.  

How Are You Feeling:  EXHAUSTED!!  Pregnancy the second go around is brutal. Towards the end of the day I feel 'blah.'  My Rx for Diclegis ran out week ago which has been a different ballgame.  I felt more energized and eating anything towards the end of my 1st trimester, but then I ran out of my medicine.  I figured since I wasn't thowing up anymore, I should deal with not taking it.  I am taking an additional 100 mg of Vitamin B6 along with my prenatal.

How Are You Sleeping:  I've been falling asleep around 8:30 every night and then waking up at random times during the night which sometimes it takes me forever to go back to sleep.

Miss Anything:  No.  I've been having a cup of coffee everyday to help my fatigue.  The smell of beer makes me gag.

Any Discomforts:  I have 'growing pains.'  I have slight cramping, nothing major.

Any Movement:  I feel little scratches here and there.

Symptoms:  Nose bleeds every morning.  I had that with Vivy, too.   

Labor Signs:  No

Gender:  Not yet

Mood:  I was very moody during my 1st trimester, but now my hormones seem to be getting back on track.  Felt bad for my husband.

Excited For Anything:  I have a Drs appointment next Wednesday and of course Thanksgiving next week.     

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Guess what....!!!

Sign from Etsy shop: sweetMEboutique

Vivian is going to be a BIG SISTER!! 

Even though I keep forgetting I'm pregnant thanks to little miss, we are beyond excited that she'll have a little brother or sister to play with.  

This pregnancy has been way different thus far.  The fatigue is relentless thanks to my toddler, I've had morning sickness bad enough to where I'm having to take Diclegis at bedtime, I found out I was pregnant earlier (6 weeks vs 10.5 weeks) and I already have a little pooch.  

When we went to Asheville the end of September, naturally I rode in the back seat with Vivian.  The entire drive, there and back, I felt car sick which has never happened.  I was so hungry the entire time, but felt blah while eating to where I was unable to finish any of my meals.  

When we got back to B's parents that Saturday, he kept telling me I should take a test.  I knew I was suppose to start my menstrual cycle (sorry for the TMI) around Oct 9th and kept thinking I would just wait another week and a half.  

On September 6th I thought I had started, but only lasted a day.  Thought that was strange.  I did take a test a couple of days later, the test was negative.  AF returned in August for the first time in over a year after I stopped exclusively pumping in June.  I thought maybe my body was trying to get back in the swing of things. 

We got home that Sunday afternoon and decided I would go ahead and purchase a test.  Went to the store after picking up dinner for my piece of mind.

I took the test, but my results were invalid.  Guess I didn't pee on the stick long enough, lol.  I decided to redo the test even though you were suppose to use a new test.  It came back positive. I sent B to the store to buy a double pack just to make sure.  Took the test again, positive.  Took the 3rd test that following morning, positive again.  

   ^^Pic above was taken the day I found out^^

I've already had to take the glucose test twice already since I had gestational diabetes with Vivian.  The day I met with the history nurse, she ordered the glucose test for me to take that morning.  You are suppose to take the test fasting, but I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast not knowing I would have to take the test.  It had been 3 hours so she said I should be fine since I didn't drink any kind of juice that morning.

My blood sugar for my 1 hour was 171.  Took the 2 hr test the following week and passed.  My fasting was 84 and my other two numbers were above 120 which I'm surprised my Dr passed me.  I'll still have to take the test when I'm 26-28 weeks for good measure.  I'm sure I'll be diagnosed again.  Thankful I wasn't diagnosed during the holidays!  

I'm so curious on how this pregnancy is going to go.  I'm sure it will go quickly...not much time to think about it, which is good.

We are beyond bless that God is providing a sibling so quickly for Vivian since it took us 6 years to get pregnant with her and one month with this one! 

She will make a GREAT big sister!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Orleans With A Toddler

Brian had a conference in New Orleans and Vivian and I decided to tag along.  Even though it is stressful traveling with a toddler, more on my end, I figured the more traveling she gets under her belt, the better.

Thankfully, she does great traveling!  She does really well on the plane.  Better than being confined in a car seat!  We made it to Charlotte with a wonderful 3 hour layover.  That's great with a child.  You can eat and let your child burn off all that energy before going on a little longer flight. Vivian napped for 1.5 hrs on the plane.  Yea!

We arrived in New Orleans around noon.  We gate checked the car seat and stroller frame in hopes of it not being damaged vs counter checking.  Somehow and another a black piece that holds the seat belt when not using the base had broken off.  Not sure how that happened.  Brian reported it to the airline and they said we can the car seat off and see if they could repair it which would take 2 weeks.  Sorry, that's not acceptable.  Who can have their car seat away from them that long?  Especially if it's the only seat you have.  Guess we are stuck with a ghetto looking car seat now. Strike one against US Airways.

We took a taxi to the hotel, but we first had to stop at a Walmart to find a box fan for Vivian.  She needs her white noise.  Unfortunately, the fan was a no-go.  Anxiety began.  I started downloading white noise apps on my phone.

When we arrived at the hotel Brian asked the attendant if by chance they had a box fan.  She said they had just purchased a few to dry paint quickly and she would call housekeeping to send one to our room.  Thank the Lord!!  Drury Inn rocks!

 We settled into our hotel room before grabbing an early dinner.  B had a reception he had to attend at 6 pm.  We went to a pizza place down the street.  It was so good, but took forever to get our food.  Plus, we were the only one's there eating.  Vivian was all over the place.  She was a wild child.  We finally got our food, ate and left.  B walked to the hotel where the conference was being held and Viv and I went back to the hotel.  Viv got her bath and was in bed by 6:30pm.

The next morning, Vivian woke up at 3 am!  Ugh.  I almost went into the room to get her because I didn't want her to bother the neighbors, but decided not to.  She settled after about 10 minutes.  At 4, she started crying again, settled again and then back up at 5:15 am for the day.  

We went downstairs for breakfast at 6:30am and explored the hotel.  Brian finally got up and we all got dressed for the aquarium.  Vivian loves all animals and she loved seeing all the fish.


      After the aquarium,  we made our way to Huck Finn's Cafe.  I wanted a shrimp poboy and B wanted boudin balls.  Very good food.  Poor Vivian was exhausted.  She almost fell asleep in my lap.  I got her into her stroller and she was out.  We went back to the hotel so she could nap.

Brian had a presentation at 4 pm, so he left and it was just Viv and I.  We walked to the local grocery store and picked up a couple of baked potatoes and soup for dinner.  We also ran up and down the halls for a bit.  She loves to run around.  Little girl had zero issues goibg to sleep.

Our last day, Brian's sister and her husband drove down from Baton Rouge to go to the zoo.  The Audubon Zoo was really nice.  I actually liked it better than San Diego Zoo.  Vivian again had a great time.  We all did!

Not long after getting into the car, Vivian was out!  We ran her ragged :)  Drury Inn offers free dinner to all guests so we decided to eat at the hotel.  I wish I knew that the night before, I would have ate there.  They had a nice spread...pasta, salad, baked potato, broccoli and cheddar soup, hot dogs and chips with cheese sauce.  We called it an early night since we had to leave the hotel by 5:15 am.

We got up bright and early the next day to make our home.

B checked us in at the self check-in.  After the tickets were printed, my ticket from Charlotte to Wilmington did not print.  Apparently U.S. Airways over sold our flight and I got bumped off.  Geez.  Strick two against US Airways.  B said he would stay behind and I could take his seat if they unable to get me on the plane.  

We landed in Charlotte and thankfully they were able to get me a seat.  We weren't able to sit together, but at least we were on the same flight.  Vivian and I sat next to a nice older lady that entertained Vivian the majority of the flight.  Made for a nice flight home. 

Hated I didn't eat any beignet's...oh well. Another trip for the books.  I have to say, I'm done with traveling for a while.  We are worn out! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Vivian is OBSESSED with dogs!  All animals really, but dogs are her favorite.  Always pointing at them when she sees one, wants to pet and love on them.  So cute.  

Well, this year I decided to dress her as a dalmatian puppy.  101 Dalmatian's was her first movie to watch. Well, she didn't sit through the entire thing, but intrigued her for a long time.  She also loves watching this.  

I have to say, she's the cutest littlest puppy I've ever seen!

^^ costume from Pottery Barn Kids ^^
We didn't take her trick-or-treating since she was too young, but she did hand out a little candy to the kids.  It was the cutest!  After the kids were walking off, she kept her hands out with more candy wanting to give them more.  Adorable!  I should have taken a picture!  Mom fail.

I wanted to dress Brody as a fire fighter, but it was a last minute idea and had zero luck finding a costume.  Ordering was out of the question since it wouldn't arrive on time.  Another mom fail.  We dug through his old costumes and decided on him being a squirrel again.  

^^He's not amused!^^

Brian dressed his usual werewolf costume to frighten the trick-or-treaters.  He wouldn't talk to them.  Just stare.  He also wouldn't give them candy unless they said, "Trick-or-Treat!"  Kids would stick out there bags and say, "Thank you!"  One kid even had the nerve to say he didn't like Twix, could he have something else.  Who does that?  Kids today, man!

^^Vivy was a little unsure about "Werewolf" daddy.  She didn't want to stick her hand in the candy bowl because he spoke in scary voice.  He had to remove the mask. Mean daddy!^^

I'm looking forward to next year so she can actually go trick-or-treating.  It will be the cutest!!!  

^^shirt from Sly Fox Threads ^^


Saturday, November 22, 2014

17 Months Old

Sweet girl, you are a month away from being a 1.5 year old.  I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!  I remember this time last year you were a itty bitty thing.

Looking forward to you having your first Thanksgiving meal.

You have certainly grown since last year.  You finally hit 19 lbs! 19.2 to be exact.  Someone is close to being forward facing.

Your bedtime is 7 pm, but there have many nights lately where you play in your crib for about 15-20 minutes before falling asleep.  You talk to your animals.  So cute!  We are now getting up at 7 am, thank heavens!  Well, I started leaving you in the crib until I go into your room at 7.  You seem to be content just hanging out until I get you.  Who knows what time you actually wake up.

We nap around 12:30 pm everyday and you'll nap anywhere from 1-2.5 hours.  Depends on the day. Lately, you usually wake around 2 pm.  You still nap on the couch with mommy. I'm trying to get as much cuddles as possible before your little sister or brother arrives.

Your favorite foods and snacks are: Fruit...especially blueberries and strawberries...veggie straws, snapea crisps (dried green beans), Annie's white cheddar bunnies, fried fish, french fries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, soups, black beans, Whole Foods meatloaf, cereal (like your mommy). You'll have regular cows milk in your cereal, but won't drink it on its own.  However, you love vanilla milk.  We have an Organic Valley milk box every night before bath.

Foods you dislike: Not a big fan of sandwiches. You'll just pick the turkey and toss the rest.  But you'll only take a few bites of the turkey.  Sometimes you will eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  Rice.  

You are OBSESSED with books!  Constantly looking at them, want me to read to you, stacking them.  I have to hide them if we've already read them a gazillion times.  

 Your favorite books right now are What Makes A Rainbow?

Still not saying a ton of words, but our new one is "car" and "ock" for sock.  No telling how many words you understand.

You love organization and order.  Constantly lining things up.  Amazing to watch.  You also like putting things away.

You just discovered your belly button.  Always checking it out and then want to look at mommy and daddy's.  So adorable.

You love bracelets and necklaces.  You will put all of my pony tail holders on your wrists and my head bands around you neck.  You will even put all of my bra's around your neck.  

You can now climb on and off the couch, but only by using a cushion on the floor.  We are making progress.  Your not scared to climb into the dryer, however.

 You are scared to slide down the slide by yourself.  I have to give you a little push to get you to go.

You are still obsessed with balls and animals.

You have gone on lots of travels thus far.  Our last trip was to New Orleans.

Your not a fan of the highchair in restaurants.  We now skip the highchair and let you hangout with us in the booth.  You're more content.

You love Elmo and Chica.  Right now this is your favorite video
right now.  So cute watching you.  You'll put your hands on the top of your head when Carly makes her dorsal fin with her hands.  You also like when you freeze like a starfish.  Melt my heart!

You LOVE to give kisses, especially when you are telling someone bye or goodnight.  You stretch out your little neck and tuck your top lip under your bottom lip and it's sugar time.  You also love giving hugs.  You'll run to me at random times to give me your biggest hug.  You are the SWEETEST!

We have loved watching you grow sweet girl and cannot wait to see you grow each and every day.  We are also looking forward to seeing you as a big sister.  I know you are going to be a great little helper.  You will always be my "best" girl!!

We love you sweet darling.  XXOO!!!!


Monday, November 17, 2014

13 Weeks

How Far along are you: 13 weeks.  13 weeks the first go around.

Weight Gain:  1 lb.  Started at 114.6, weighed in today at 115.8

Maternity Clothes: Nope 

Food Cravings: Roast Beef Pita from Pita Delite and cereal.  

Food Aversion:  Vegetables.  I have to force myself to eat any which hasn't been much.  

How Are You Feeling:  EXHAUSTED!!  Pregnancy the second go around is brutal. Towards the end of the day I feel 'blah.'  My Rx for Diclegis ran out week ago which has been a different ballgame.  I felt more energized and eating anything towards the end of my 1st trimester, but then I ran out of my medicine.  I figured since I wasn't thowing up anymore, I should deal with not taking it.  I am taking an additional 100 mg of Vitamin B6 along with my prenatal.

How Are You Sleeping:  I've been falling asleep around 8:30 every night and then waking up at random times during the night which sometimes it takes me forever to go back to sleep.

Miss Anything:  No.  I've been having a cup of coffee everyday to help my fatigue.  The smell of beer makes me gag.

Any Discomforts:  I have 'growing pains.'  I have slight cramping, nothing major.

Any Movement:  I feel little scratches here and there.

Symptoms:  Nose bleeds every morning.  I had that with Vivy, too.   

Labor Signs:  No

Gender:  Not yet

Mood:  I was very moody during my 1st trimester, but now my hormones seem to be getting back on track.  Felt bad for my husband.

Excited For Anything:  I have a Drs appointment next Wednesday and of course Thanksgiving next week.     

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Guess what....!!!

Sign from Etsy shop: sweetMEboutique

Vivian is going to be a BIG SISTER!! 

Even though I keep forgetting I'm pregnant thanks to little miss, we are beyond excited that she'll have a little brother or sister to play with.  

This pregnancy has been way different thus far.  The fatigue is relentless thanks to my toddler, I've had morning sickness bad enough to where I'm having to take Diclegis at bedtime, I found out I was pregnant earlier (6 weeks vs 10.5 weeks) and I already have a little pooch.  

When we went to Asheville the end of September, naturally I rode in the back seat with Vivian.  The entire drive, there and back, I felt car sick which has never happened.  I was so hungry the entire time, but felt blah while eating to where I was unable to finish any of my meals.  

When we got back to B's parents that Saturday, he kept telling me I should take a test.  I knew I was suppose to start my menstrual cycle (sorry for the TMI) around Oct 9th and kept thinking I would just wait another week and a half.  

On September 6th I thought I had started, but only lasted a day.  Thought that was strange.  I did take a test a couple of days later, the test was negative.  AF returned in August for the first time in over a year after I stopped exclusively pumping in June.  I thought maybe my body was trying to get back in the swing of things. 

We got home that Sunday afternoon and decided I would go ahead and purchase a test.  Went to the store after picking up dinner for my piece of mind.

I took the test, but my results were invalid.  Guess I didn't pee on the stick long enough, lol.  I decided to redo the test even though you were suppose to use a new test.  It came back positive. I sent B to the store to buy a double pack just to make sure.  Took the test again, positive.  Took the 3rd test that following morning, positive again.  

   ^^Pic above was taken the day I found out^^

I've already had to take the glucose test twice already since I had gestational diabetes with Vivian.  The day I met with the history nurse, she ordered the glucose test for me to take that morning.  You are suppose to take the test fasting, but I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast not knowing I would have to take the test.  It had been 3 hours so she said I should be fine since I didn't drink any kind of juice that morning.

My blood sugar for my 1 hour was 171.  Took the 2 hr test the following week and passed.  My fasting was 84 and my other two numbers were above 120 which I'm surprised my Dr passed me.  I'll still have to take the test when I'm 26-28 weeks for good measure.  I'm sure I'll be diagnosed again.  Thankful I wasn't diagnosed during the holidays!  

I'm so curious on how this pregnancy is going to go.  I'm sure it will go quickly...not much time to think about it, which is good.

We are beyond bless that God is providing a sibling so quickly for Vivian since it took us 6 years to get pregnant with her and one month with this one! 

She will make a GREAT big sister!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

New Orleans With A Toddler

Brian had a conference in New Orleans and Vivian and I decided to tag along.  Even though it is stressful traveling with a toddler, more on my end, I figured the more traveling she gets under her belt, the better.

Thankfully, she does great traveling!  She does really well on the plane.  Better than being confined in a car seat!  We made it to Charlotte with a wonderful 3 hour layover.  That's great with a child.  You can eat and let your child burn off all that energy before going on a little longer flight. Vivian napped for 1.5 hrs on the plane.  Yea!

We arrived in New Orleans around noon.  We gate checked the car seat and stroller frame in hopes of it not being damaged vs counter checking.  Somehow and another a black piece that holds the seat belt when not using the base had broken off.  Not sure how that happened.  Brian reported it to the airline and they said we can the car seat off and see if they could repair it which would take 2 weeks.  Sorry, that's not acceptable.  Who can have their car seat away from them that long?  Especially if it's the only seat you have.  Guess we are stuck with a ghetto looking car seat now. Strike one against US Airways.

We took a taxi to the hotel, but we first had to stop at a Walmart to find a box fan for Vivian.  She needs her white noise.  Unfortunately, the fan was a no-go.  Anxiety began.  I started downloading white noise apps on my phone.

When we arrived at the hotel Brian asked the attendant if by chance they had a box fan.  She said they had just purchased a few to dry paint quickly and she would call housekeeping to send one to our room.  Thank the Lord!!  Drury Inn rocks!

 We settled into our hotel room before grabbing an early dinner.  B had a reception he had to attend at 6 pm.  We went to a pizza place down the street.  It was so good, but took forever to get our food.  Plus, we were the only one's there eating.  Vivian was all over the place.  She was a wild child.  We finally got our food, ate and left.  B walked to the hotel where the conference was being held and Viv and I went back to the hotel.  Viv got her bath and was in bed by 6:30pm.

The next morning, Vivian woke up at 3 am!  Ugh.  I almost went into the room to get her because I didn't want her to bother the neighbors, but decided not to.  She settled after about 10 minutes.  At 4, she started crying again, settled again and then back up at 5:15 am for the day.  

We went downstairs for breakfast at 6:30am and explored the hotel.  Brian finally got up and we all got dressed for the aquarium.  Vivian loves all animals and she loved seeing all the fish.


      After the aquarium,  we made our way to Huck Finn's Cafe.  I wanted a shrimp poboy and B wanted boudin balls.  Very good food.  Poor Vivian was exhausted.  She almost fell asleep in my lap.  I got her into her stroller and she was out.  We went back to the hotel so she could nap.

Brian had a presentation at 4 pm, so he left and it was just Viv and I.  We walked to the local grocery store and picked up a couple of baked potatoes and soup for dinner.  We also ran up and down the halls for a bit.  She loves to run around.  Little girl had zero issues goibg to sleep.

Our last day, Brian's sister and her husband drove down from Baton Rouge to go to the zoo.  The Audubon Zoo was really nice.  I actually liked it better than San Diego Zoo.  Vivian again had a great time.  We all did!

Not long after getting into the car, Vivian was out!  We ran her ragged :)  Drury Inn offers free dinner to all guests so we decided to eat at the hotel.  I wish I knew that the night before, I would have ate there.  They had a nice spread...pasta, salad, baked potato, broccoli and cheddar soup, hot dogs and chips with cheese sauce.  We called it an early night since we had to leave the hotel by 5:15 am.

We got up bright and early the next day to make our home.

B checked us in at the self check-in.  After the tickets were printed, my ticket from Charlotte to Wilmington did not print.  Apparently U.S. Airways over sold our flight and I got bumped off.  Geez.  Strick two against US Airways.  B said he would stay behind and I could take his seat if they unable to get me on the plane.  

We landed in Charlotte and thankfully they were able to get me a seat.  We weren't able to sit together, but at least we were on the same flight.  Vivian and I sat next to a nice older lady that entertained Vivian the majority of the flight.  Made for a nice flight home. 

Hated I didn't eat any beignet's...oh well. Another trip for the books.  I have to say, I'm done with traveling for a while.  We are worn out! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Vivian is OBSESSED with dogs!  All animals really, but dogs are her favorite.  Always pointing at them when she sees one, wants to pet and love on them.  So cute.  

Well, this year I decided to dress her as a dalmatian puppy.  101 Dalmatian's was her first movie to watch. Well, she didn't sit through the entire thing, but intrigued her for a long time.  She also loves watching this.  

I have to say, she's the cutest littlest puppy I've ever seen!

^^ costume from Pottery Barn Kids ^^
We didn't take her trick-or-treating since she was too young, but she did hand out a little candy to the kids.  It was the cutest!  After the kids were walking off, she kept her hands out with more candy wanting to give them more.  Adorable!  I should have taken a picture!  Mom fail.

I wanted to dress Brody as a fire fighter, but it was a last minute idea and had zero luck finding a costume.  Ordering was out of the question since it wouldn't arrive on time.  Another mom fail.  We dug through his old costumes and decided on him being a squirrel again.  

^^He's not amused!^^

Brian dressed his usual werewolf costume to frighten the trick-or-treaters.  He wouldn't talk to them.  Just stare.  He also wouldn't give them candy unless they said, "Trick-or-Treat!"  Kids would stick out there bags and say, "Thank you!"  One kid even had the nerve to say he didn't like Twix, could he have something else.  Who does that?  Kids today, man!

^^Vivy was a little unsure about "Werewolf" daddy.  She didn't want to stick her hand in the candy bowl because he spoke in scary voice.  He had to remove the mask. Mean daddy!^^

I'm looking forward to next year so she can actually go trick-or-treating.  It will be the cutest!!!  

^^shirt from Sly Fox Threads ^^