
Monday, July 29, 2013

A Month of Firsts (1 month old)

1. Being held for the first time by Mommy and Daddy.

2.  First car ride.
3. First birthday
3.  First bath

 4.  Sitting in your bouncy chair

5.  First time doing tummy time
6. First trip to a restaurant ( Ruby Tuesdays )
7.  First trip to Florence (July 5, 2013)
8. First stroller ride in the neighborhood

There will be hundreds of first for you baby girl, this is just a few to mention.  Looking forward to them all!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

1 Month Old

Boy, how quick did this month go?  I can't believe our sweet baby girl is already a month old.  I know in a blink of an eye she will be walking around and talking.  

Things that she likes are:
  • Sleeping.  Child sleeps all day and night.
  • Eating.  We are on a 3-4 hr eating schedule which makes life convenient. Squirt is already 8 lbs.
  • Being bounced on our leg.  That seems to calm her down everytime.
  • Being outside.  When the wind blows she spreads out her little arms.
  • Being pushed in her stroller.
  • Baths.
  • Sucking on her fingers.
Things that she dislikes are:
  • Tummy time.  Screams bloody murder every time.
  • Hiccups.  Child gets them at least 5 times a day.  Hate it for her.
  • Getting into clothes. 
  • Pacifiers. Only once in a blue moon that she will take one.  Otherwise she spits it right out.
She is becoming more observant and looking around.  She is beginning to mimic us.  If we stick our tongue out, she will do it as well...not always, but sometimes.  She will now hold grip to my finger which I think is the sweetest thing.  She is the spitting image of her daddy.  I'm hoping she will get some of me as she grows older.  I do have to say I think she does have my nose and mouth.  I love watching her sleep.  She will make the cutest facial expressions.  She always shows us a little smile. 

I know I will soon be writing her 2 month story.  I want time to slow down!  I am simply amazed by her and so incredibly thankful that she is in our lives.  Couldn't imagine that it was any other way!  I love you baby girl!!

Happy Anniversary

Seven years ago today B and I said our 'I Do's' in beautiful Savannah, Ga.  We were married at Wesley United Methodist Church at 6 pm on a very hot, yet beautiful summer day.  We only had family and very close friends since it was a destination wedding for us.  The week that we were married we moved to Statesboro, GA which I would not advise anyone to do.  Moving and a wedding the same week makes it very stressful and exhausting.

We had our rehearsal dinner at The Olde Pink House which was delicious. After dinner B and I made our separate ways...he went with boys and I went with the girls.  Us girls went for drinks and karaoke.  We had a great time...probably a little too much fun.

We stayed and had the reception at The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa which was beautiful.  The wedding coordinator didn't reserve our Honeymoon Suite and they had no other rooms for us which was unfortunate.  They did comp us a room at  Mansion on Forsyth Park
which was beautiful.  They had the most comfortable bed!

We didn't go on a Honeymoon, but we did go to San Francisco in June.  We knew with the move that would be difficult to swing right after the wedding.  Plus, we were spent.

San Francisco

In the seven years we have been together, our life has definitely been an adventure.  We have seen some incredible places.

Cabo San Lucas

College World Series, 2007

Rome, Italy

Trevi Fountain

Pompeii, Italy
London, England

Snorkeling in Cozumel
Segway Adventure in Nassau, Bahamas

St Maarten, Virgin Islands
Smokey Mountains
Bryce Canyon National Park
Canyonlands National Park

Yosemite National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Arches National Park

Death Valley National Park

Zion National Park

We got our fur child, Brody.

We bought our first house.
Now we have the greatest adventure to come, our first child, Vivian.  It only took us seven years, but she was definitely well worth the wait!  Can't wait to see what she has in store for us.  I know we will have many adventures to come!

Happy Anniversary, Babe!!!  Looking forward to the next seven years.
Love you much!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fussy Pants

I think Brian and I bragged way too much about how awesome Vivian is by sleeping constantly.  Only time she would make a peep was when she was hungry or needed a diaper change.  Here we are at a little over 3 weeks with Vivian and the majority of yesterday, last night and this morning all she wants to do is CRY!  Especially yesterday.  

We would hold her and try to comfort her, but none of it helped.  Brian even suggested that we take her to the Dr and I laughed and told him babies cry for no reason.  That's what they do sometimes.  We even laid down to 'cry it out' for 30 minutes, but it was non-stop. 

Even last night we fed her at 11:30 pm and she woke up a little after 1 am.  I just let her cry and I got up and pumped then got her out of her bassinet at 2 am to feed her.  After eating, she was a little fussy but thankfully went to sleep until almost 5 am.  Brian gave her her bottle while I pumped and he put her down around 5:30 am and she did not go back to sleep until around 7:30 am.  She didn't cry constantly, but was making noises and grunting.  She started to wake back up at 8 am so I fed her, changed her, took her in the stroller, loved on her and she was getting drowsy in my arms around 9:30 am so I laid her down in the bassinet so I could shower.  She was quiet for a few minutes then started crying...non-stop.  This went on for over 30 minutes.  I had to get dressed and get ready to pump yet again.  This seems to be the story of my life.  Pumping. 

I finally told Brian to get her and as soon as he picked her up she stopped crying.  Within a few minutes she was out.  We laid her on her Woombie Donut, which by the way, is the greatest baby item to have and she is now sleeping peacefully.  We fed her at 11 am and she went straight back to sleep.  Didn't even bother changing her and here it is, 12:30 pm, and she is still asleep.  

I know, I must be terrible to have her 'cry it out' but I don't want her to get use to being held to fall asleep.  She needs to learn to self soothe herself.  She will be sleeping in her crib in the next couple of weeks and then Brian will be back sleeping in the bed with me.  Yes, he has been sleeping in the guest bedroom to get some zzz's.  I am thankful he does her 11 pm and 5 am feedings.  That has certainly been a life saver!

Hoping for a more peaceful day and night :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vivian's first bath

Vivy had her 2 week follow-up with her pediatrician yesterday and little miss got a great report.  She has gained a pound since her last visit, 7.4, and she measured 19.25 inches long.  We were very happy knowing she is on track!  Her umbilical cord partially fell of on Wednesday and Dr. Renton said it was okay to go ahead and give her her first bath and the rest should fall off within a day or 2.  If not, then I can bring her back in and he can finish removing it.  

I thought for sure she was going to hate it!  She's not a fan when I wipe her down when I change her. So, we thought this was going to be a disaster.   Well, we were wrong.  She loved it!  Did not make a fuss or peep.  

Bath Tub

Bath Towel from Dragonflies, a local boutique

(All tuckered out)
I think we will make this an every other day event!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies

I feel every Mother has the anticipation of breastfeeding their child. You read the books, take the classes and you are even shown while in the hospital with your new addition. You think it is going to be simple as pie and that is their natural instinct to go straight to the breast and eat. No need to stress. Well, I was wrong. Its not simple, it is hard and frustrating. While in the hospital, Vivian did not want to latch. I unfortunately have flat nipples so its hard for them to stay stimulated so she can eat. I even tried a nipple shield to help her latch. She would suck a little on the shield but wouldn't last long. I even put a little formula inside the shield so she would stay on, but didn't work. We had to go ahead and resort to formula at the beginning so my child wouldn't starve. 

When we got home, I still tried to give her the boob but she would get so mad because she wouldn't latch and poor little girl was so hungry. Sweetness lost 5 ounces in 2 days so we started supplementing formula and I started pumping. I knew I didn't want her to have formula so I decided to pump exclusively so she can get all the antidotes she needs. I still try and nurse to see if she will randomly latch on, but that has not happened for thus far. I have been pumping exclusively for almost 2 weeks now and let me tell you, its exhausting. Grant it, yes, you are suppose to have your newborn nurse every 2-3 hrs in the beginning, but with nursing you feed your child, burp, change, play, go down for nap/bedtime. With being an exclusive pumper you pump, clean attachments/bottles, store milk, get your bottle ready, feed your child, burp, change, play, go down for nap/bedtime. I set my alarm 30 minutes before she wakes up to pump which is at 1:30 am and 4:30 am. There have been times that she has woken before my alarm went off because she was hungry so I would get her up, warm her bottle, change her, feed her, get her back to fall asleep, pump, clean attachments/bottles, get it ready for the next feeding then go to bed. Its usually about an hour or so process from start to finish. Exhausting just typing this. Plus, not going to lie, but pumping hurts. I have to use a lubricant before putting the longhorn on so it makes it a little more comfortable.

 I found if I get everything together and ready for the next feeding it makes it slightly easier. I even go ahead and put milk into my 3 different Dr. Brown's glass bottles and have them lined up in the fridge for the milk that would be next for the feeding. Plus, that way if Brian feeds her, he can just grab a bottle and heat it up and they can have their bonding moment. That definitely makes life a little easier.
With pumping exclusively I'm afraid I'm not going to produce enough milk for her next feeding. They say you don't produce as much milk as you would if you nursed. I read that eating oatmeal helps with your supply, drink TONS of water and eat lactation cookies. In lactation cookies, the brewer's yeast and flaxseed is suppose to help increase your supply. I went on Pinterest and found a recipe and thought I would give it a shot. They are actually really good. I was suprised! I also think it has helped with my milk supply. I pump around 4 oz-6 oz (combined)...depending on the time of day...which I think is pretty good. I'm hoping that it will continue to increase. 

Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies (recipe adapted here)


  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed  
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup butter/margarine/coconut oil 
  • 1 & 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups oats, thick cut (not the instant kind!)
  • 1 cup (or more!) chocolate chips
  • 3-4 tablespoons of brewers yeast 


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line your baking sheets with parchment paper. 
2. Mix together 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and water. Set aside for 3-5 minutes.
3. Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well.
4. Stir flaxseed mixture. Add it, along with the vanilla, to the margarine mix. Beat until blended.
5. Sift remaining dry ingredients together, excluding the oats and chocolate chips.
6. Add sifted ingredients to the margarine mixture. Add the oats and stir until well combined. Add in the chips.
7. Drop cookie dough by rounded teaspoons onto baking sheets.  
Bake for 10-14 minutes, depending on size of cookies. Makes approximately 6 dozen cookies. DO NOT over-bake! Enjoy 2-4 cookies per day : )

Vivian's 1st 4th of July

Little bit celebrated her first 4th of July this year. We haven't left the house since she's been in our life so we stayed in and grilled out. My Mom was still here so we grilled steaks and she made baked potatoes and banana pudding. Since I no longer have to worry about DM, I had my helping...and still am...of banana pudding. So so good! Vivy was unaware what was going on, but she did wear her cute little polka dot romper and matching hat.
On Friday, we drove to Florence for the day so everyone could meet Vivian. Brian's sisters came up from Baton Rouge, LA and El Dorado, AK so they could meet her and Holly's little one's, Mary Lachlan and William. The drive to Florence is a 2 hr 15 min drive which took us 3 hrs. We had to make several stops to change Vivian...she even had a 'blow-out' to where I had to change her outfit. We also had to stop to feed the hungry babe. It is going to interesting when we drive to MS, which is a 13 hr drive, in about 6 weeks. Hopefully, by her being 8 weeks old maybe it will be easier. We shall see. 
(First road trip)

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Month of Firsts (1 month old)

1. Being held for the first time by Mommy and Daddy.

2.  First car ride.
3. First birthday
3.  First bath

 4.  Sitting in your bouncy chair

5.  First time doing tummy time
6. First trip to a restaurant ( Ruby Tuesdays )
7.  First trip to Florence (July 5, 2013)
8. First stroller ride in the neighborhood

There will be hundreds of first for you baby girl, this is just a few to mention.  Looking forward to them all!!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

1 Month Old

Boy, how quick did this month go?  I can't believe our sweet baby girl is already a month old.  I know in a blink of an eye she will be walking around and talking.  

Things that she likes are:
  • Sleeping.  Child sleeps all day and night.
  • Eating.  We are on a 3-4 hr eating schedule which makes life convenient. Squirt is already 8 lbs.
  • Being bounced on our leg.  That seems to calm her down everytime.
  • Being outside.  When the wind blows she spreads out her little arms.
  • Being pushed in her stroller.
  • Baths.
  • Sucking on her fingers.
Things that she dislikes are:
  • Tummy time.  Screams bloody murder every time.
  • Hiccups.  Child gets them at least 5 times a day.  Hate it for her.
  • Getting into clothes. 
  • Pacifiers. Only once in a blue moon that she will take one.  Otherwise she spits it right out.
She is becoming more observant and looking around.  She is beginning to mimic us.  If we stick our tongue out, she will do it as well...not always, but sometimes.  She will now hold grip to my finger which I think is the sweetest thing.  She is the spitting image of her daddy.  I'm hoping she will get some of me as she grows older.  I do have to say I think she does have my nose and mouth.  I love watching her sleep.  She will make the cutest facial expressions.  She always shows us a little smile. 

I know I will soon be writing her 2 month story.  I want time to slow down!  I am simply amazed by her and so incredibly thankful that she is in our lives.  Couldn't imagine that it was any other way!  I love you baby girl!!

Happy Anniversary

Seven years ago today B and I said our 'I Do's' in beautiful Savannah, Ga.  We were married at Wesley United Methodist Church at 6 pm on a very hot, yet beautiful summer day.  We only had family and very close friends since it was a destination wedding for us.  The week that we were married we moved to Statesboro, GA which I would not advise anyone to do.  Moving and a wedding the same week makes it very stressful and exhausting.

We had our rehearsal dinner at The Olde Pink House which was delicious. After dinner B and I made our separate ways...he went with boys and I went with the girls.  Us girls went for drinks and karaoke.  We had a great time...probably a little too much fun.

We stayed and had the reception at The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa which was beautiful.  The wedding coordinator didn't reserve our Honeymoon Suite and they had no other rooms for us which was unfortunate.  They did comp us a room at  Mansion on Forsyth Park
which was beautiful.  They had the most comfortable bed!

We didn't go on a Honeymoon, but we did go to San Francisco in June.  We knew with the move that would be difficult to swing right after the wedding.  Plus, we were spent.

San Francisco

In the seven years we have been together, our life has definitely been an adventure.  We have seen some incredible places.

Cabo San Lucas

College World Series, 2007

Rome, Italy

Trevi Fountain

Pompeii, Italy
London, England

Snorkeling in Cozumel
Segway Adventure in Nassau, Bahamas

St Maarten, Virgin Islands
Smokey Mountains
Bryce Canyon National Park
Canyonlands National Park

Yosemite National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Arches National Park

Death Valley National Park

Zion National Park

We got our fur child, Brody.

We bought our first house.
Now we have the greatest adventure to come, our first child, Vivian.  It only took us seven years, but she was definitely well worth the wait!  Can't wait to see what she has in store for us.  I know we will have many adventures to come!

Happy Anniversary, Babe!!!  Looking forward to the next seven years.
Love you much!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fussy Pants

I think Brian and I bragged way too much about how awesome Vivian is by sleeping constantly.  Only time she would make a peep was when she was hungry or needed a diaper change.  Here we are at a little over 3 weeks with Vivian and the majority of yesterday, last night and this morning all she wants to do is CRY!  Especially yesterday.  

We would hold her and try to comfort her, but none of it helped.  Brian even suggested that we take her to the Dr and I laughed and told him babies cry for no reason.  That's what they do sometimes.  We even laid down to 'cry it out' for 30 minutes, but it was non-stop. 

Even last night we fed her at 11:30 pm and she woke up a little after 1 am.  I just let her cry and I got up and pumped then got her out of her bassinet at 2 am to feed her.  After eating, she was a little fussy but thankfully went to sleep until almost 5 am.  Brian gave her her bottle while I pumped and he put her down around 5:30 am and she did not go back to sleep until around 7:30 am.  She didn't cry constantly, but was making noises and grunting.  She started to wake back up at 8 am so I fed her, changed her, took her in the stroller, loved on her and she was getting drowsy in my arms around 9:30 am so I laid her down in the bassinet so I could shower.  She was quiet for a few minutes then started crying...non-stop.  This went on for over 30 minutes.  I had to get dressed and get ready to pump yet again.  This seems to be the story of my life.  Pumping. 

I finally told Brian to get her and as soon as he picked her up she stopped crying.  Within a few minutes she was out.  We laid her on her Woombie Donut, which by the way, is the greatest baby item to have and she is now sleeping peacefully.  We fed her at 11 am and she went straight back to sleep.  Didn't even bother changing her and here it is, 12:30 pm, and she is still asleep.  

I know, I must be terrible to have her 'cry it out' but I don't want her to get use to being held to fall asleep.  She needs to learn to self soothe herself.  She will be sleeping in her crib in the next couple of weeks and then Brian will be back sleeping in the bed with me.  Yes, he has been sleeping in the guest bedroom to get some zzz's.  I am thankful he does her 11 pm and 5 am feedings.  That has certainly been a life saver!

Hoping for a more peaceful day and night :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vivian's first bath

Vivy had her 2 week follow-up with her pediatrician yesterday and little miss got a great report.  She has gained a pound since her last visit, 7.4, and she measured 19.25 inches long.  We were very happy knowing she is on track!  Her umbilical cord partially fell of on Wednesday and Dr. Renton said it was okay to go ahead and give her her first bath and the rest should fall off within a day or 2.  If not, then I can bring her back in and he can finish removing it.  

I thought for sure she was going to hate it!  She's not a fan when I wipe her down when I change her. So, we thought this was going to be a disaster.   Well, we were wrong.  She loved it!  Did not make a fuss or peep.  

Bath Tub

Bath Towel from Dragonflies, a local boutique

(All tuckered out)
I think we will make this an every other day event!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies

I feel every Mother has the anticipation of breastfeeding their child. You read the books, take the classes and you are even shown while in the hospital with your new addition. You think it is going to be simple as pie and that is their natural instinct to go straight to the breast and eat. No need to stress. Well, I was wrong. Its not simple, it is hard and frustrating. While in the hospital, Vivian did not want to latch. I unfortunately have flat nipples so its hard for them to stay stimulated so she can eat. I even tried a nipple shield to help her latch. She would suck a little on the shield but wouldn't last long. I even put a little formula inside the shield so she would stay on, but didn't work. We had to go ahead and resort to formula at the beginning so my child wouldn't starve. 

When we got home, I still tried to give her the boob but she would get so mad because she wouldn't latch and poor little girl was so hungry. Sweetness lost 5 ounces in 2 days so we started supplementing formula and I started pumping. I knew I didn't want her to have formula so I decided to pump exclusively so she can get all the antidotes she needs. I still try and nurse to see if she will randomly latch on, but that has not happened for thus far. I have been pumping exclusively for almost 2 weeks now and let me tell you, its exhausting. Grant it, yes, you are suppose to have your newborn nurse every 2-3 hrs in the beginning, but with nursing you feed your child, burp, change, play, go down for nap/bedtime. With being an exclusive pumper you pump, clean attachments/bottles, store milk, get your bottle ready, feed your child, burp, change, play, go down for nap/bedtime. I set my alarm 30 minutes before she wakes up to pump which is at 1:30 am and 4:30 am. There have been times that she has woken before my alarm went off because she was hungry so I would get her up, warm her bottle, change her, feed her, get her back to fall asleep, pump, clean attachments/bottles, get it ready for the next feeding then go to bed. Its usually about an hour or so process from start to finish. Exhausting just typing this. Plus, not going to lie, but pumping hurts. I have to use a lubricant before putting the longhorn on so it makes it a little more comfortable.

 I found if I get everything together and ready for the next feeding it makes it slightly easier. I even go ahead and put milk into my 3 different Dr. Brown's glass bottles and have them lined up in the fridge for the milk that would be next for the feeding. Plus, that way if Brian feeds her, he can just grab a bottle and heat it up and they can have their bonding moment. That definitely makes life a little easier.
With pumping exclusively I'm afraid I'm not going to produce enough milk for her next feeding. They say you don't produce as much milk as you would if you nursed. I read that eating oatmeal helps with your supply, drink TONS of water and eat lactation cookies. In lactation cookies, the brewer's yeast and flaxseed is suppose to help increase your supply. I went on Pinterest and found a recipe and thought I would give it a shot. They are actually really good. I was suprised! I also think it has helped with my milk supply. I pump around 4 oz-6 oz (combined)...depending on the time of day...which I think is pretty good. I'm hoping that it will continue to increase. 

Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies (recipe adapted here)


  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed  
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup butter/margarine/coconut oil 
  • 1 & 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups oats, thick cut (not the instant kind!)
  • 1 cup (or more!) chocolate chips
  • 3-4 tablespoons of brewers yeast 


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line your baking sheets with parchment paper. 
2. Mix together 2 tablespoons of flaxseed and water. Set aside for 3-5 minutes.
3. Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well.
4. Stir flaxseed mixture. Add it, along with the vanilla, to the margarine mix. Beat until blended.
5. Sift remaining dry ingredients together, excluding the oats and chocolate chips.
6. Add sifted ingredients to the margarine mixture. Add the oats and stir until well combined. Add in the chips.
7. Drop cookie dough by rounded teaspoons onto baking sheets.  
Bake for 10-14 minutes, depending on size of cookies. Makes approximately 6 dozen cookies. DO NOT over-bake! Enjoy 2-4 cookies per day : )

Vivian's 1st 4th of July

Little bit celebrated her first 4th of July this year. We haven't left the house since she's been in our life so we stayed in and grilled out. My Mom was still here so we grilled steaks and she made baked potatoes and banana pudding. Since I no longer have to worry about DM, I had my helping...and still am...of banana pudding. So so good! Vivy was unaware what was going on, but she did wear her cute little polka dot romper and matching hat.
On Friday, we drove to Florence for the day so everyone could meet Vivian. Brian's sisters came up from Baton Rouge, LA and El Dorado, AK so they could meet her and Holly's little one's, Mary Lachlan and William. The drive to Florence is a 2 hr 15 min drive which took us 3 hrs. We had to make several stops to change Vivian...she even had a 'blow-out' to where I had to change her outfit. We also had to stop to feed the hungry babe. It is going to interesting when we drive to MS, which is a 13 hr drive, in about 6 weeks. Hopefully, by her being 8 weeks old maybe it will be easier. We shall see. 
(First road trip)