
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Vivian Learning To Ride A Bike

On New Years Eve, Vivian decided she wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels.  I think since Joanna got a new bike, she wanted to make her bike more special.

After a little talk, she was ready to learn.  At first, Daddy took the peddles off to make it like a balance bike so she could get a feel.  Her legs were a tad short and was making it uncomfortable for her.  I said, 'let's do it the old fashion way with me holding the bike then letting go."  

She did great and would peddle by herself until she realized I wasn't holding her.  She took one hard fall then wanted knee pads.  Off to the store I went.  

She was still hesitant to ride in the street so we took her to the backyard where she felt more comfortable.  After getting a feel and riding long stretches, she was feeling more confident.

I ran to the store and when I got home, she was riding her bike!  It was something amazing to see.  What a huge milestone that is!

Christmas 2018

This past Christmas was a fun one that year because of the girls ages, especially for Vivian. They were getting so excited for the big day!

Christmas Eve we had our tradition of having Christmas Eve dinner, well, this year we did more appetizers for our dinner and saved the ham for Christmas day.  The girls left milk and cookies for Santa before bed.

Christmas morning Viv woke first and was so excited to see her presents.  She patiently waited to dive in until Joanna was up.  We did let her look in her stocking.  When Joanna woke that morning she was hesitant.  She thought Santa was downstairs waiting for her so she didn't want to leave her room.  After a little pep talk we came down, but she wasn't ready to open her gifts.  She was happy to watch Vivian.

Vivian's Christmas list was hair chalk and arts and crafts.  Joanna wanted a bike.  Santa made their wish come true!  

So happy everyone enjoyed their gifts and we enjoyed our day.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Vivian Learning To Ride A Bike

On New Years Eve, Vivian decided she wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels.  I think since Joanna got a new bike, she wanted to make her bike more special.

After a little talk, she was ready to learn.  At first, Daddy took the peddles off to make it like a balance bike so she could get a feel.  Her legs were a tad short and was making it uncomfortable for her.  I said, 'let's do it the old fashion way with me holding the bike then letting go."  

She did great and would peddle by herself until she realized I wasn't holding her.  She took one hard fall then wanted knee pads.  Off to the store I went.  

She was still hesitant to ride in the street so we took her to the backyard where she felt more comfortable.  After getting a feel and riding long stretches, she was feeling more confident.

I ran to the store and when I got home, she was riding her bike!  It was something amazing to see.  What a huge milestone that is!

Christmas 2018

This past Christmas was a fun one that year because of the girls ages, especially for Vivian. They were getting so excited for the big day!

Christmas Eve we had our tradition of having Christmas Eve dinner, well, this year we did more appetizers for our dinner and saved the ham for Christmas day.  The girls left milk and cookies for Santa before bed.

Christmas morning Viv woke first and was so excited to see her presents.  She patiently waited to dive in until Joanna was up.  We did let her look in her stocking.  When Joanna woke that morning she was hesitant.  She thought Santa was downstairs waiting for her so she didn't want to leave her room.  After a little pep talk we came down, but she wasn't ready to open her gifts.  She was happy to watch Vivian.

Vivian's Christmas list was hair chalk and arts and crafts.  Joanna wanted a bike.  Santa made their wish come true!  

So happy everyone enjoyed their gifts and we enjoyed our day.