
Thursday, September 24, 2015

4 Months Old

Another month has gone by and you are growing up right before our eyes.

You have turned into the happiest little thing!  You are no longer the fussiest baby on earth HA.  You smile all the time and you love to giggle.  Sometimes you giggle so hard you let out the cutest high pitch sound.  I'm so happy you are happy!

Sleep, not consistent.  You are asleep by 7pm, sleep until around 5pm, nurse, back down until 7-8:30am for one week then the next week you're down at 7pm, back up at 7:30, nurse, sleep until 1-3:30am, nurse, awake around 5:30am, nurse, up for the day between 7-8:30am.  Overall, you are a good sleeper.

Naps, that's an entirely different story.  I think the reason you sleep until 8-8:30am is because you nap horribly.  You are a light sleeper like mommy.  If we are in the car, which we are out of the house by 9-10 am every morning, you sleep.  Once we arrive to our destination, you always wake up.  So you get about a 20-30 minute nap there.  You don't nurse to sleep when we are home, only nurse for nourishment, which means mommy puts you in the swing and pray for a nap.  I do that after about 2 hours you've been awake from your last cat nap.  Swing naps last about 30 minutes as well.  You probably nap a total of 2 hours every day.  Not great, but like I said, you are a happy baby.  It works for you!

Before falling asleep for your naps, you go "ahhh." So stinking cute! 

You still nurse every 1.5-2 hours while awake.  You are a quick nurser, about 5-10 minutes.  You like to get in and get out HA.

I weighed you at 13 pounds, but we will know your exact weight next week at your 4 month well check.  You are in a size 2 diaper, but mommy has you in size 1 to finish off the box.  I had some size 2's left over from Vivian that fit you so much better.  Not so tight around those chunky legs.  You are in 3-6 month clothing, but can still wear a few 0-3 months depending on the brand.  

You have the sweetest 'peach fuzz' on your head and I love running my chin and mouth over your sweet hair.  So soft!

Tummy time is getting better only if you are on a pillow.  Not so much the fan when flat on the ground. You can roll from your tummy to your back, but not from your back to tummy.  You can make it your side before rolling back to your back.  You'll get there soon enough.  You can spin half way around on your play mat.

You love your big sister.  You love watching her every move and she brings the biggest smile to your face.  You don't mind if she rolls on top of you, as long as it isn't too hard. She likes to feed you her pretend food.  You are always included.  She wants to hold you all the time and tells you she 'loves you' on her own.  Mommy and Daddy have to get her to repeat 'I love you' after us to hear her tell us HA.  

You have brought so much joy to our lives and I am so incredibly thankful that God chose us to be your parent and Vivian's big sister!  We love you sweet buttercup!!

"I CAN'T IMAGINE live before YOU came there singing senseless, no MEANING to my song.  Call it MEANT TO BE or simply blessed fate, you fill my heart WITH LOVE...and for THAT I celebrate." -- Maianne Richmont


Monday, September 21, 2015

Fun On The Farm Until...

your child is bitten by a horse while feeding him. Fingers attached, just an abrasion on her pinkie and ring finger.  This incident happened at the end at least.  
Back to our day on the farm.  Saturday was opening day at Old McFaye's FarmOur friend Tara and her little girl Julia, who's 3 months younger than Vivian, invited us to the farm. This little farm is actually someone's backyard which was nice to see where we live.  Felt as if I was back in Mississippi. 

They have the standard farm animals which Vivian loved, especially the roosters and chickens. 

 The girls fed goats, rabbits, sheep/lambs, turkeys and horses.  They even went on a hayride.  They offered a pony ride, but didn't ride since they were a little too small. The farm was adorable and perfect for small children.  Whenever I can do something that brings simplicity, I'm in!!!

About to not end pretty.  The horse that nibbled on Vivian's hand.

Time to call it a day.

After returning home, Vivian was happy after getting Wendy's for lunch.  She was playing and running around then she tripped on the playmat, fell and her forehead hit the bottom corner of the couch.  Yeah, left a puncture and bruise.  Saturday was not her day.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Playroom Favorites

The playroom has to be my favorite room in the house.  Its bright, cheerful and screams all girl.  I love the pastel and punch of color here and there.  Who wouldn't want to spend their time playing in here?!

We painted the room Behr Silver Setting which was our master bedroom color at our old house.  Love this color!

We had the bookcase and fabric storage containers in Vivian's closet at the old house that works great for book storage and whatnot.  I actually have all her Lego's stored in the owl cubbie. Love tossing all the small toys for cleanup.  

For the little table, my Mom taped two diaper boxes together and draped a blanket over.  Works great!  

Vivian's favorites, and mine, in the sweetest little playroom we could ever ask for.

^^ KidKraft Deluxe Pastel Play Kitchen - We love this kitchen!  When I did my research for a kitchen, so many items were plastic and not 'girly' colors.  Lots of tan. This is wood, doesn't make any pretend noises except when you turn the knobs it makes a clicking sound. This will hold well in the years to come.  We did purchase wood, rounded the edges, painted white to fit as a step so Vivian could reach the microwave.  She's a petite little thing. 

^^ KidKraft Cookware Playset - This is a 27 piece set that continues with the color of the kitchen.  Very sturdy pieces that I have a feeling will last years with two little girls.  

^^ Small World Cook Set - This 11 piece set is the perfect size.  Vivian loves 'cooking' with this set.  We also have Melissa & Doug stainless steal cook set.

^^ Small World Peel 'N' Play Playset - We LOVE these!  They are sturdy, the velcro isn't flimsy and teaches coordination when cutting the veggies.  I just ordered her the ice cream set and hamburger set to get the free shipping from Amazon since I ordered this veggie set for one of Vivian's friends birthday.  She's getting the fruit set for Christmas this year.

^^ Land of Nod Personalized Chair - A personalized chair is essential for every little playroom.

 ^^ VTech Train Set - Vivian got this for Christmas last year from my brother and sister-in-law.  She loves playing with this thing.  The train drives by itself on and off the track.  It's adorable!

^^ DIY Wall Letters - I found this tutorial on Pinterest and asked my Mom if she would make this for the girls room and LOVE how it turned out.  It cost around $100 after purchasing the letters, scrapbook paper and glue and took some time to make, but it turned out great!  I purchased the same items as she did except we didn't use the red paper.  
We of course have wooden blocks, Legos, purses, picnic basket, baby dolls, magnet letters & numbers and magnetic board, music tables from when she was little that Joanna will play with, barn with farm animals, puzzles, Doc McStuffin tent, etc.  

We love this room so much and hope you find some inspiration for your little one.  


Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 Year Old Pre-School

Milestone Thursday sassafras, you are a pre-schooler!!!  How is this even possible?  It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital and now you are going to school.  

You woke bright and early this morning.  4:40 am.  You even fell asleep at 7:30 last night.  I was hoping you would sleep until 5:30, but no such luck.

We did our standard morning routine of hanging on the couch while I ate my oatmeal and drank my coffee while you watched tv and played with 'Peppa.'  You wanted your breakfast a little earlier than normal, around 5:30.  You ate an entire bowl of maple & brown sugar oatmeal and a glass of orange juice.

You played the morning away until we left for school at 8:50 am.  All morning I talked about school, saying your teachers names (Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Kristy), talking about the friends you will make, playing, learning and snack time.  You were excited!  Not going to lie, I was nervous for you.  I thought major water works were going to happen.

We got to school and  you saw all the other children going in and you said, "School!"  As soon as we walked into your classroom, you dropped your lunch box and ran straight to the play kitchen.  While you played, I spoke with your teachers and put your things in your cubbie.  You didn't even acknowledge your mommy.  I went over to you, gave you a kiss and said 'bye' and out the door I went.  No tears.  No calling for me. Nothing.  

As I drove past your window I could see your little pigtails with your hands in the air playing away.  Made mommy's heart so happy.  

As soon as 12 pm rolled around, I walked in your classroom and you were sitting on your chair at the table with your lunch box waiting.  You had the biggest smile on your face when you saw me and said, "Mommy!!!"  Your teacher said you did great!  She also mentioned you were a great sharer.  You made mommy so proud.  You even colored a picture of an apple. 

What a great first day you had sweet angel.  I hope tomorrow will be as great!!! So so proud of you sweet girl.


Thursday, September 3, 2015


At the sweet and fun age of two, you are the funniest and silliest little girl I know.  You love making funny noises and silly facial expressions.  You make sure to tell us, "I'm funny!"

You love to dance and sing. So adorable hearing you sing along to songs.  The songs are in your own language with some of the correct words thrown into the mix.  Your favorite songs to sing are 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' 'Itsy Bitsy Spider,' 'ABC Song,' 'I Caught Myself A Baby Bumblebee,' 'Rock-A-By Baby' (I have to sing that song at least 10 times at bedtime), 'Golden Girls Intro Song' (that's your jam).  You'll even make up your own songs and sing ad loud as you can can.  So cute!  We like to listen to the Toddler Dance station on Pandora.   

You have to sleep with your seashell and kitty cat sippy cup every might.  Your seashell can't be any shell.  We found that out when we couldn't find your shell, gave you a different one and that was unacceptable. We had to look everywhere for it, thankfully it was under tge couch.   

I think you'll always be my little frog catcher.  You love Kermie!  So cute when you catch one you say, 'I got it!!!'  You have the biggest smile on your face glowing with delight.  You love being outside and you have the bugs bites to prove it.  People probably think you're a country girl.

You love to climb.  Praise God you haven't climbed out of your crib yet.  At the playground you get away from me and you're climbing to the top of something that you would need my assistance.  I'm surprised you haven't broken a bone yet, knock-on-wood.   When you do fall, you always say, 'I fall, I'm okay.'  Tough girl!  You usually don't cry for long, want a kiss and your on your way.  

You love saying, 'No, no, no!!'when you don't want to do something.  You do say 'Please and thank you' however.  

You love giving kisses. Every time we kiss you say, 'last one!'  Of course its never the last one, you need about 20 kisses. I would give you a million kisses if I could!!!!

You are so much fun and I love watching you grow and change every day.   My heart is so full!!!


Thursday, September 24, 2015

4 Months Old

Another month has gone by and you are growing up right before our eyes.

You have turned into the happiest little thing!  You are no longer the fussiest baby on earth HA.  You smile all the time and you love to giggle.  Sometimes you giggle so hard you let out the cutest high pitch sound.  I'm so happy you are happy!

Sleep, not consistent.  You are asleep by 7pm, sleep until around 5pm, nurse, back down until 7-8:30am for one week then the next week you're down at 7pm, back up at 7:30, nurse, sleep until 1-3:30am, nurse, awake around 5:30am, nurse, up for the day between 7-8:30am.  Overall, you are a good sleeper.

Naps, that's an entirely different story.  I think the reason you sleep until 8-8:30am is because you nap horribly.  You are a light sleeper like mommy.  If we are in the car, which we are out of the house by 9-10 am every morning, you sleep.  Once we arrive to our destination, you always wake up.  So you get about a 20-30 minute nap there.  You don't nurse to sleep when we are home, only nurse for nourishment, which means mommy puts you in the swing and pray for a nap.  I do that after about 2 hours you've been awake from your last cat nap.  Swing naps last about 30 minutes as well.  You probably nap a total of 2 hours every day.  Not great, but like I said, you are a happy baby.  It works for you!

Before falling asleep for your naps, you go "ahhh." So stinking cute! 

You still nurse every 1.5-2 hours while awake.  You are a quick nurser, about 5-10 minutes.  You like to get in and get out HA.

I weighed you at 13 pounds, but we will know your exact weight next week at your 4 month well check.  You are in a size 2 diaper, but mommy has you in size 1 to finish off the box.  I had some size 2's left over from Vivian that fit you so much better.  Not so tight around those chunky legs.  You are in 3-6 month clothing, but can still wear a few 0-3 months depending on the brand.  

You have the sweetest 'peach fuzz' on your head and I love running my chin and mouth over your sweet hair.  So soft!

Tummy time is getting better only if you are on a pillow.  Not so much the fan when flat on the ground. You can roll from your tummy to your back, but not from your back to tummy.  You can make it your side before rolling back to your back.  You'll get there soon enough.  You can spin half way around on your play mat.

You love your big sister.  You love watching her every move and she brings the biggest smile to your face.  You don't mind if she rolls on top of you, as long as it isn't too hard. She likes to feed you her pretend food.  You are always included.  She wants to hold you all the time and tells you she 'loves you' on her own.  Mommy and Daddy have to get her to repeat 'I love you' after us to hear her tell us HA.  

You have brought so much joy to our lives and I am so incredibly thankful that God chose us to be your parent and Vivian's big sister!  We love you sweet buttercup!!

"I CAN'T IMAGINE live before YOU came there singing senseless, no MEANING to my song.  Call it MEANT TO BE or simply blessed fate, you fill my heart WITH LOVE...and for THAT I celebrate." -- Maianne Richmont


Monday, September 21, 2015

Fun On The Farm Until...

your child is bitten by a horse while feeding him. Fingers attached, just an abrasion on her pinkie and ring finger.  This incident happened at the end at least.  
Back to our day on the farm.  Saturday was opening day at Old McFaye's FarmOur friend Tara and her little girl Julia, who's 3 months younger than Vivian, invited us to the farm. This little farm is actually someone's backyard which was nice to see where we live.  Felt as if I was back in Mississippi. 

They have the standard farm animals which Vivian loved, especially the roosters and chickens. 

 The girls fed goats, rabbits, sheep/lambs, turkeys and horses.  They even went on a hayride.  They offered a pony ride, but didn't ride since they were a little too small. The farm was adorable and perfect for small children.  Whenever I can do something that brings simplicity, I'm in!!!

About to not end pretty.  The horse that nibbled on Vivian's hand.

Time to call it a day.

After returning home, Vivian was happy after getting Wendy's for lunch.  She was playing and running around then she tripped on the playmat, fell and her forehead hit the bottom corner of the couch.  Yeah, left a puncture and bruise.  Saturday was not her day.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Playroom Favorites

The playroom has to be my favorite room in the house.  Its bright, cheerful and screams all girl.  I love the pastel and punch of color here and there.  Who wouldn't want to spend their time playing in here?!

We painted the room Behr Silver Setting which was our master bedroom color at our old house.  Love this color!

We had the bookcase and fabric storage containers in Vivian's closet at the old house that works great for book storage and whatnot.  I actually have all her Lego's stored in the owl cubbie. Love tossing all the small toys for cleanup.  

For the little table, my Mom taped two diaper boxes together and draped a blanket over.  Works great!  

Vivian's favorites, and mine, in the sweetest little playroom we could ever ask for.

^^ KidKraft Deluxe Pastel Play Kitchen - We love this kitchen!  When I did my research for a kitchen, so many items were plastic and not 'girly' colors.  Lots of tan. This is wood, doesn't make any pretend noises except when you turn the knobs it makes a clicking sound. This will hold well in the years to come.  We did purchase wood, rounded the edges, painted white to fit as a step so Vivian could reach the microwave.  She's a petite little thing. 

^^ KidKraft Cookware Playset - This is a 27 piece set that continues with the color of the kitchen.  Very sturdy pieces that I have a feeling will last years with two little girls.  

^^ Small World Cook Set - This 11 piece set is the perfect size.  Vivian loves 'cooking' with this set.  We also have Melissa & Doug stainless steal cook set.

^^ Small World Peel 'N' Play Playset - We LOVE these!  They are sturdy, the velcro isn't flimsy and teaches coordination when cutting the veggies.  I just ordered her the ice cream set and hamburger set to get the free shipping from Amazon since I ordered this veggie set for one of Vivian's friends birthday.  She's getting the fruit set for Christmas this year.

^^ Land of Nod Personalized Chair - A personalized chair is essential for every little playroom.

 ^^ VTech Train Set - Vivian got this for Christmas last year from my brother and sister-in-law.  She loves playing with this thing.  The train drives by itself on and off the track.  It's adorable!

^^ DIY Wall Letters - I found this tutorial on Pinterest and asked my Mom if she would make this for the girls room and LOVE how it turned out.  It cost around $100 after purchasing the letters, scrapbook paper and glue and took some time to make, but it turned out great!  I purchased the same items as she did except we didn't use the red paper.  
We of course have wooden blocks, Legos, purses, picnic basket, baby dolls, magnet letters & numbers and magnetic board, music tables from when she was little that Joanna will play with, barn with farm animals, puzzles, Doc McStuffin tent, etc.  

We love this room so much and hope you find some inspiration for your little one.  


Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 Year Old Pre-School

Milestone Thursday sassafras, you are a pre-schooler!!!  How is this even possible?  It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital and now you are going to school.  

You woke bright and early this morning.  4:40 am.  You even fell asleep at 7:30 last night.  I was hoping you would sleep until 5:30, but no such luck.

We did our standard morning routine of hanging on the couch while I ate my oatmeal and drank my coffee while you watched tv and played with 'Peppa.'  You wanted your breakfast a little earlier than normal, around 5:30.  You ate an entire bowl of maple & brown sugar oatmeal and a glass of orange juice.

You played the morning away until we left for school at 8:50 am.  All morning I talked about school, saying your teachers names (Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Kristy), talking about the friends you will make, playing, learning and snack time.  You were excited!  Not going to lie, I was nervous for you.  I thought major water works were going to happen.

We got to school and  you saw all the other children going in and you said, "School!"  As soon as we walked into your classroom, you dropped your lunch box and ran straight to the play kitchen.  While you played, I spoke with your teachers and put your things in your cubbie.  You didn't even acknowledge your mommy.  I went over to you, gave you a kiss and said 'bye' and out the door I went.  No tears.  No calling for me. Nothing.  

As I drove past your window I could see your little pigtails with your hands in the air playing away.  Made mommy's heart so happy.  

As soon as 12 pm rolled around, I walked in your classroom and you were sitting on your chair at the table with your lunch box waiting.  You had the biggest smile on your face when you saw me and said, "Mommy!!!"  Your teacher said you did great!  She also mentioned you were a great sharer.  You made mommy so proud.  You even colored a picture of an apple. 

What a great first day you had sweet angel.  I hope tomorrow will be as great!!! So so proud of you sweet girl.


Thursday, September 3, 2015


At the sweet and fun age of two, you are the funniest and silliest little girl I know.  You love making funny noises and silly facial expressions.  You make sure to tell us, "I'm funny!"

You love to dance and sing. So adorable hearing you sing along to songs.  The songs are in your own language with some of the correct words thrown into the mix.  Your favorite songs to sing are 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,' 'Itsy Bitsy Spider,' 'ABC Song,' 'I Caught Myself A Baby Bumblebee,' 'Rock-A-By Baby' (I have to sing that song at least 10 times at bedtime), 'Golden Girls Intro Song' (that's your jam).  You'll even make up your own songs and sing ad loud as you can can.  So cute!  We like to listen to the Toddler Dance station on Pandora.   

You have to sleep with your seashell and kitty cat sippy cup every might.  Your seashell can't be any shell.  We found that out when we couldn't find your shell, gave you a different one and that was unacceptable. We had to look everywhere for it, thankfully it was under tge couch.   

I think you'll always be my little frog catcher.  You love Kermie!  So cute when you catch one you say, 'I got it!!!'  You have the biggest smile on your face glowing with delight.  You love being outside and you have the bugs bites to prove it.  People probably think you're a country girl.

You love to climb.  Praise God you haven't climbed out of your crib yet.  At the playground you get away from me and you're climbing to the top of something that you would need my assistance.  I'm surprised you haven't broken a bone yet, knock-on-wood.   When you do fall, you always say, 'I fall, I'm okay.'  Tough girl!  You usually don't cry for long, want a kiss and your on your way.  

You love saying, 'No, no, no!!'when you don't want to do something.  You do say 'Please and thank you' however.  

You love giving kisses. Every time we kiss you say, 'last one!'  Of course its never the last one, you need about 20 kisses. I would give you a million kisses if I could!!!!

You are so much fun and I love watching you grow and change every day.   My heart is so full!!!