
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Accidents Happen

Mom award of the year right here!  Vivian and I were in the bedroom watching "The Good Night Show" and she was being a wiggly worm on the bed.  I put her on the floor to crawl around and she wanted to stand up holding onto the dresser knob.  Something she does every single day.  While she was standing up, I ran into the bathroom which is in eye view from the dresser to grab a ponytail holder.  Next thing I heard was a thump and the water works came a flowin'. 

I turned around and she fell face forward into the dresser.  Poor baby.  She cried for several minutes and she finally calmed down when she saw Star on her program.  I checked her forehead and I didn't notice any bumps or bruises.  Whew, in the clear.

Fast forward to 15 minutes later when we went into the kitchen to brush her teeth.  Brian had taken Brody on a walk so he didn't no about her fall yet.  While in the kitchen I noticed a dark area underneath her eye.  The only light that was on in the kitchen was the light over the sink.  I turned the kitchen light on and yep, she was puffy and clearly had a black eye.  Oh, crap!  Well, I said something else, but that's beside the point.  Brian walked in when I noticed it.  He held her while I got a cold rag with ice.  She wasn't having that!  I was able to keep it on a little longer while she played in the bathtub.  I felt HORRIBLE!!

  I know accidents are going to happen, but it just breaks your heart when things like this happen.  Something that's preventable.  If you watch The Little Couple and saw the last episode when Zoey fell while standing on the fireplace seat and got a puncher wound to the head and blood was everywhere, I just thought back to that.  At least Vivian wasn't bleeding and thank God she didn't hit the eye itself.  That could have caused a whole other issue.  Vivian's guardian angel had her in his hands.

She woke up at 5:30 this morning happy as a clam.  Eye wasn't swollen shut, just a little bruising.  She seems to be okay.  Doesn't seem to bother her if she rubs her eye...huge relief for Mommy!  

Baby girl, I promise I'm going to try my BEST to be a better Mommy!  I love you with all my heart!  


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Standing Up

We spent the majority of the day in the kitchen yesterday.  Just call me Betty Crocker!  I made a 15 bean soup for lunch, brownies for Brian and prepared chicken parmesan  to just toss in the oven for dinner.  I also dusted and cleaned as well :)  Busy Tuesday!

Vivian, you were all over the place in the kitchen.  You kept getting into Brody's water bowl so I distracted her with the jar of macaroni for a bit.  You emptied that jar completely and I had macaroni all over the floor.  You had a good time!  After the macaroni, you wanted back at the water bowl so I needed another distraction.  

Onto the Tupperware cabinet we went!  You love pulling out the lids and containers.

I kept glancing back and forth to make sure you weren't going to bang your head on something. Wouldn't be the first time, ha!  You were having a grand ole time and then decided to go further inside the cabinet to grab something that was further back.

I continued to watch and take a few pics.  Then this started to happen!

Holy cow, you are going to stand!!

It was absolutely AMAZING to watch!!!  Moments like these are why I am SO happy to be a stay at home mom. I am able to witness all your milestones.

Side note: you also pulled yourself up using the dresser knobs in the bedroom later that evening. You are growing up way too fast little girl :(  Mommy is SO proud of you...keep up the great work!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Saying "No"

For the past week or so, Vivian's personality is starting to really show.  She will let you know if she doesn't want to play with something by tossing it across the room.  Cries when things aren't going her way.  Knows the word "no," but still does what she wants.
Since she's been crawling she gets into everything.  Whether its Brody's dog bowl...which I had to hide from her...going straight to the outlets, crawling towards her box fan that's on  and wanting to stick her finger in the holes (thankfully, I've caught her just in the nick of time), chewing on power cords.  Speaking of power cords, I was vacuuming the other day and she was sitting on the floor watching.  I turned my back to her to vacuum and turned back around and child was gnawing away on the cord.  She also likes to play with my power cord to my breast pump.  

I tell her "no" and she just looks at me and goes back to what she was doing.  If I continue to repeat "no" this is what I get.

In this case, she kept sticking her mouth onto the knob and biting away.  I repeated "no baby" multiple times.  She looked at me and went back to her knob.  After saying "no" for the 3rd time this is what I get, crying with the saddest little face. Sorry little girl, I don't want you to knock out the two little teeth that you have.

I know I will be saying "no" to her until at least her freshman year of college.  I'm dreading the mouth back.  I pray that she will learn to be respectful towards her parents and not have attitude.  Otherwise baby girl, Daddy is going to get a belt after you!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

9 Months Old

Happy 9 months baby girl!!  You are turning into one special little girl...not that you weren't already.

You weigh 16 lbs 3 ounces and 26.25 inches long at your 9 month well check.

You are keeping Mommy on her toes and giving her a workout.  You are full blown crawling!  You started about 2 weeks ago.  At first, you would get onto your hands and knees then fall down onto your tummy.  We did that for about a week.  Then you slow started to figure out how to move your hands and knees.  After Memom left, you started 'officially' crawling.  You are none stop!  Mommy has to move the coffee table to give you more room to roam in the living room.

You just discovered Brody's food/water bowl and the electrical outlets.  We put outlet covers on just yesterday.

You love to be thrown into the air.  It makes you so happy...puts the biggest smile on your face.  I definitely need to capture a picture!

You love solids.  You are eating like a champ!  You really love yogurt, mango, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.  You are not loving your bottle of Mommy's milk anymore. You will only drink a few ounces and then you are done.  It has been a constant battle for a while now.  Especially at your 12:30pm feeding.  You flop around like a fish out of water.

You love to listen to tv shows intro's.  Especially 'The Golden Girls.'  It stops you dead in your tracks when it comes on.  Mommy has to play it in the car when you get fussy in your carseat.  It stops the crying immediately.  Mommy is happen to listen to it 20 minutes straight if that makes you happy.

You don't like for anybody else to hold you that you don't know.  It takes a while for you to warm up.

You HATE having your nails trimmed.  Mommy has tried during your naps, but you wake.  So, we wrestle together on getting them trimmed.  

You LOVE to pull Mommy's hair. I'm surprised you haven't pulled my scalp off yet!  You have one tight grip!!

You LOVE LOVE LOVE Star from the 'Good Night Show' on Sprout.  We can't lay on the bed anymore.  As soon as he comes on you want to stand at the television and touch him on the screen.

You are obsessed with touching all the pictures hanging on the walls.  Thank you Memom for teaching her that!

You still love your baths, but hate getting ready for bed.  You are all over the bed when Mommy lotions you up and attempt to put your diaper on and jammies.  

When you take your afternoon nap, you don't wake up peacefully.  You cry and you are extremely fussy...takes a little while to calm you down.  However, if you nap with me or wake up when I'm right there (if I let you nap on the couch) you are happy.

You are definitely cooler than Mommy.  I hope to grow up to be as rad as you!

 I love the little girl you are becoming.  You have so much personality already.  You are already very strong will and let us know quickly if you aren't happy.  You certainly have your sweet moments.  I love that you crawl to Mommy and Daddy when you want to be held by us.  Melts my heart.  

I can't believe in 3 short months you will be turning 1 year old.  So hard to believe!!!  You are so AMAZING and know that Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back!  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

5 Minute Healthy Peach Yogurt

Yesterday, I was in the mood for a sweet treat other than my lactation cookiesI've been pounding those suckers out trying to increase my supply a little more.  Luckily, they do work for me, but I wanted something a little healthier.  

pinned an easy, quick recipe for peach yogurt and I happened to pick up the ingredients at the grocery store on Saturday.  Even though it was a little cold outside, I was craving something cold and creamy.

5 Minute Healthy Peach Yogurt


1 (16-oz.) bag frozen peaches or 4 cups fresh peaches, frozen solid
3 Tablespoons agave nectar or honey
1/2 cup plain yogurt (non-fat or whole)
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice


Add the frozen peaches, honey (or agave nectar), yogurt and lemon juice to the bowl of a food processor. Process until creamy, about 5 minutes.

Serve the frozen yogurt immediately or transfer it to an airtight container and store it in the freezer for up to 1 month.

This recipe is really good...if you like peaches.  I'm sure you could use a different frozen fruit if you wanted.  This sweet treat is something I will keep in my recipe file for Vivian. Once she can have honey, I will definitely be making this for her on a hot summer day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Memom's Stay

My Mom came over 2 weeks ago to watch Vivian while B and I went to San Diego for a few days.  My Mom is so attentive towards Vivian and loves that little girl to pieces.  I think that's what made going to San Diego so much easier.  I knew she was going to be in GREAT hands!

I also love that they were able to have one-on-one time with one another for a few days.  I know Vivian won't remember, but my Mom surely will.

Not only is she great with Vivian, she still treats me as if I was still a kid living at home.  She did all the cooking, dishes and laundry (folded as well).  She definitely enjoys every minute of do I!  I certainly take full advantage while she's here.  I hope I do the same for Vivian when she becomes an adult.  Better yet, let me do those things for her.

Mom came with us to story time at the library and The Little Gym to see Vivian in action.  She was able see our daily routine so she can look at the clock when she's home and know what we are doing.  

She constantly played with Vivian, held and kissed on her.

She was able to feed little miss hungry hungry hippo.

Give me more butternut squash, Memom!!!
  We were able to have a day of shopping.

Waiter!  Where's my food!!
 She was able to see lots of baby and just her diaper.

And was able to come with us to Vivian's first trip to the aquarium.

We definitely had a great time.  No tears this time when she left this morning because we know she will be back in June for Vivian's first birthday.  Also, we are going to Mississippi in July to stay a few weeks.  Little girl is going to enjoy the country life for a little bit.

We love you Memom and 'thank you' again!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Forward

I love springing forward. Yes, we lose an hour of sleep, but we get more daylight.  I wish it would stay this way year round. I mean, we aren't living in the oldin' days where farmers need the sun to tell them whether or not it's time to go home. 

Vivian woke at 7:30 this morning, which means our day has been off.  She normally wakes around 6:30/7 am and that's what I like. We have a precise schedule with eating and sleeping.

 We made our way to 8:45 church service which worked out for her.  She wasn't too fussy during her stay at nursery.  Usually she is crying all the way home because she wants to eat and nap.  Today she was a happy little camper all the way home.  I fed her a little after 10 am and was hoping she would nap.  Not so much.

We played for a while and then took Brody on a very long walk in hopes she would nap then.  Score.  It worked!  It did not take her long to fall asleep.  Mom and I walked for about an hour and then she opened her beautiful blue eyes.  We got home at 12:30.

I fed her again trying to get her back on track, but it was like pulling teeth for her to finish her bottle.  We went into the kitchen and I gave her an animal cracker to give to Brody for being a good boy on his walk.  When I first gave it to her she tried to eat it, ha.  I showed her what to do and then she fed Mr. B.  They are going to be the bestest friends!  If you give him any food, he will love you forever.

 After Brody's reward, we let Vivian play on her activity table.  She's been wanting to let go and stand on her own for a few seconds, but not long enough to take a picture.  Today she decided to be super brave. 

Love her expression!!

Talking and standing
  She does well for about 15 seconds and then she falls down like a tree.  Timber!!!

Bend those knees baby and fall on your bottom.  I do believe she will be walking before crawling for sure.

 Good job baby girl! Mommy is so proud of you!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Accidents Happen

Mom award of the year right here!  Vivian and I were in the bedroom watching "The Good Night Show" and she was being a wiggly worm on the bed.  I put her on the floor to crawl around and she wanted to stand up holding onto the dresser knob.  Something she does every single day.  While she was standing up, I ran into the bathroom which is in eye view from the dresser to grab a ponytail holder.  Next thing I heard was a thump and the water works came a flowin'. 

I turned around and she fell face forward into the dresser.  Poor baby.  She cried for several minutes and she finally calmed down when she saw Star on her program.  I checked her forehead and I didn't notice any bumps or bruises.  Whew, in the clear.

Fast forward to 15 minutes later when we went into the kitchen to brush her teeth.  Brian had taken Brody on a walk so he didn't no about her fall yet.  While in the kitchen I noticed a dark area underneath her eye.  The only light that was on in the kitchen was the light over the sink.  I turned the kitchen light on and yep, she was puffy and clearly had a black eye.  Oh, crap!  Well, I said something else, but that's beside the point.  Brian walked in when I noticed it.  He held her while I got a cold rag with ice.  She wasn't having that!  I was able to keep it on a little longer while she played in the bathtub.  I felt HORRIBLE!!

  I know accidents are going to happen, but it just breaks your heart when things like this happen.  Something that's preventable.  If you watch The Little Couple and saw the last episode when Zoey fell while standing on the fireplace seat and got a puncher wound to the head and blood was everywhere, I just thought back to that.  At least Vivian wasn't bleeding and thank God she didn't hit the eye itself.  That could have caused a whole other issue.  Vivian's guardian angel had her in his hands.

She woke up at 5:30 this morning happy as a clam.  Eye wasn't swollen shut, just a little bruising.  She seems to be okay.  Doesn't seem to bother her if she rubs her eye...huge relief for Mommy!  

Baby girl, I promise I'm going to try my BEST to be a better Mommy!  I love you with all my heart!  


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Standing Up

We spent the majority of the day in the kitchen yesterday.  Just call me Betty Crocker!  I made a 15 bean soup for lunch, brownies for Brian and prepared chicken parmesan  to just toss in the oven for dinner.  I also dusted and cleaned as well :)  Busy Tuesday!

Vivian, you were all over the place in the kitchen.  You kept getting into Brody's water bowl so I distracted her with the jar of macaroni for a bit.  You emptied that jar completely and I had macaroni all over the floor.  You had a good time!  After the macaroni, you wanted back at the water bowl so I needed another distraction.  

Onto the Tupperware cabinet we went!  You love pulling out the lids and containers.

I kept glancing back and forth to make sure you weren't going to bang your head on something. Wouldn't be the first time, ha!  You were having a grand ole time and then decided to go further inside the cabinet to grab something that was further back.

I continued to watch and take a few pics.  Then this started to happen!

Holy cow, you are going to stand!!

It was absolutely AMAZING to watch!!!  Moments like these are why I am SO happy to be a stay at home mom. I am able to witness all your milestones.

Side note: you also pulled yourself up using the dresser knobs in the bedroom later that evening. You are growing up way too fast little girl :(  Mommy is SO proud of you...keep up the great work!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Saying "No"

For the past week or so, Vivian's personality is starting to really show.  She will let you know if she doesn't want to play with something by tossing it across the room.  Cries when things aren't going her way.  Knows the word "no," but still does what she wants.
Since she's been crawling she gets into everything.  Whether its Brody's dog bowl...which I had to hide from her...going straight to the outlets, crawling towards her box fan that's on  and wanting to stick her finger in the holes (thankfully, I've caught her just in the nick of time), chewing on power cords.  Speaking of power cords, I was vacuuming the other day and she was sitting on the floor watching.  I turned my back to her to vacuum and turned back around and child was gnawing away on the cord.  She also likes to play with my power cord to my breast pump.  

I tell her "no" and she just looks at me and goes back to what she was doing.  If I continue to repeat "no" this is what I get.

In this case, she kept sticking her mouth onto the knob and biting away.  I repeated "no baby" multiple times.  She looked at me and went back to her knob.  After saying "no" for the 3rd time this is what I get, crying with the saddest little face. Sorry little girl, I don't want you to knock out the two little teeth that you have.

I know I will be saying "no" to her until at least her freshman year of college.  I'm dreading the mouth back.  I pray that she will learn to be respectful towards her parents and not have attitude.  Otherwise baby girl, Daddy is going to get a belt after you!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

9 Months Old

Happy 9 months baby girl!!  You are turning into one special little girl...not that you weren't already.

You weigh 16 lbs 3 ounces and 26.25 inches long at your 9 month well check.

You are keeping Mommy on her toes and giving her a workout.  You are full blown crawling!  You started about 2 weeks ago.  At first, you would get onto your hands and knees then fall down onto your tummy.  We did that for about a week.  Then you slow started to figure out how to move your hands and knees.  After Memom left, you started 'officially' crawling.  You are none stop!  Mommy has to move the coffee table to give you more room to roam in the living room.

You just discovered Brody's food/water bowl and the electrical outlets.  We put outlet covers on just yesterday.

You love to be thrown into the air.  It makes you so happy...puts the biggest smile on your face.  I definitely need to capture a picture!

You love solids.  You are eating like a champ!  You really love yogurt, mango, sweet potatoes and butternut squash.  You are not loving your bottle of Mommy's milk anymore. You will only drink a few ounces and then you are done.  It has been a constant battle for a while now.  Especially at your 12:30pm feeding.  You flop around like a fish out of water.

You love to listen to tv shows intro's.  Especially 'The Golden Girls.'  It stops you dead in your tracks when it comes on.  Mommy has to play it in the car when you get fussy in your carseat.  It stops the crying immediately.  Mommy is happen to listen to it 20 minutes straight if that makes you happy.

You don't like for anybody else to hold you that you don't know.  It takes a while for you to warm up.

You HATE having your nails trimmed.  Mommy has tried during your naps, but you wake.  So, we wrestle together on getting them trimmed.  

You LOVE to pull Mommy's hair. I'm surprised you haven't pulled my scalp off yet!  You have one tight grip!!

You LOVE LOVE LOVE Star from the 'Good Night Show' on Sprout.  We can't lay on the bed anymore.  As soon as he comes on you want to stand at the television and touch him on the screen.

You are obsessed with touching all the pictures hanging on the walls.  Thank you Memom for teaching her that!

You still love your baths, but hate getting ready for bed.  You are all over the bed when Mommy lotions you up and attempt to put your diaper on and jammies.  

When you take your afternoon nap, you don't wake up peacefully.  You cry and you are extremely fussy...takes a little while to calm you down.  However, if you nap with me or wake up when I'm right there (if I let you nap on the couch) you are happy.

You are definitely cooler than Mommy.  I hope to grow up to be as rad as you!

 I love the little girl you are becoming.  You have so much personality already.  You are already very strong will and let us know quickly if you aren't happy.  You certainly have your sweet moments.  I love that you crawl to Mommy and Daddy when you want to be held by us.  Melts my heart.  

I can't believe in 3 short months you will be turning 1 year old.  So hard to believe!!!  You are so AMAZING and know that Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back!  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

5 Minute Healthy Peach Yogurt

Yesterday, I was in the mood for a sweet treat other than my lactation cookiesI've been pounding those suckers out trying to increase my supply a little more.  Luckily, they do work for me, but I wanted something a little healthier.  

pinned an easy, quick recipe for peach yogurt and I happened to pick up the ingredients at the grocery store on Saturday.  Even though it was a little cold outside, I was craving something cold and creamy.

5 Minute Healthy Peach Yogurt


1 (16-oz.) bag frozen peaches or 4 cups fresh peaches, frozen solid
3 Tablespoons agave nectar or honey
1/2 cup plain yogurt (non-fat or whole)
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice


Add the frozen peaches, honey (or agave nectar), yogurt and lemon juice to the bowl of a food processor. Process until creamy, about 5 minutes.

Serve the frozen yogurt immediately or transfer it to an airtight container and store it in the freezer for up to 1 month.

This recipe is really good...if you like peaches.  I'm sure you could use a different frozen fruit if you wanted.  This sweet treat is something I will keep in my recipe file for Vivian. Once she can have honey, I will definitely be making this for her on a hot summer day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Memom's Stay

My Mom came over 2 weeks ago to watch Vivian while B and I went to San Diego for a few days.  My Mom is so attentive towards Vivian and loves that little girl to pieces.  I think that's what made going to San Diego so much easier.  I knew she was going to be in GREAT hands!

I also love that they were able to have one-on-one time with one another for a few days.  I know Vivian won't remember, but my Mom surely will.

Not only is she great with Vivian, she still treats me as if I was still a kid living at home.  She did all the cooking, dishes and laundry (folded as well).  She definitely enjoys every minute of do I!  I certainly take full advantage while she's here.  I hope I do the same for Vivian when she becomes an adult.  Better yet, let me do those things for her.

Mom came with us to story time at the library and The Little Gym to see Vivian in action.  She was able see our daily routine so she can look at the clock when she's home and know what we are doing.  

She constantly played with Vivian, held and kissed on her.

She was able to feed little miss hungry hungry hippo.

Give me more butternut squash, Memom!!!
  We were able to have a day of shopping.

Waiter!  Where's my food!!
 She was able to see lots of baby and just her diaper.

And was able to come with us to Vivian's first trip to the aquarium.

We definitely had a great time.  No tears this time when she left this morning because we know she will be back in June for Vivian's first birthday.  Also, we are going to Mississippi in July to stay a few weeks.  Little girl is going to enjoy the country life for a little bit.

We love you Memom and 'thank you' again!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Forward

I love springing forward. Yes, we lose an hour of sleep, but we get more daylight.  I wish it would stay this way year round. I mean, we aren't living in the oldin' days where farmers need the sun to tell them whether or not it's time to go home. 

Vivian woke at 7:30 this morning, which means our day has been off.  She normally wakes around 6:30/7 am and that's what I like. We have a precise schedule with eating and sleeping.

 We made our way to 8:45 church service which worked out for her.  She wasn't too fussy during her stay at nursery.  Usually she is crying all the way home because she wants to eat and nap.  Today she was a happy little camper all the way home.  I fed her a little after 10 am and was hoping she would nap.  Not so much.

We played for a while and then took Brody on a very long walk in hopes she would nap then.  Score.  It worked!  It did not take her long to fall asleep.  Mom and I walked for about an hour and then she opened her beautiful blue eyes.  We got home at 12:30.

I fed her again trying to get her back on track, but it was like pulling teeth for her to finish her bottle.  We went into the kitchen and I gave her an animal cracker to give to Brody for being a good boy on his walk.  When I first gave it to her she tried to eat it, ha.  I showed her what to do and then she fed Mr. B.  They are going to be the bestest friends!  If you give him any food, he will love you forever.

 After Brody's reward, we let Vivian play on her activity table.  She's been wanting to let go and stand on her own for a few seconds, but not long enough to take a picture.  Today she decided to be super brave. 

Love her expression!!

Talking and standing
  She does well for about 15 seconds and then she falls down like a tree.  Timber!!!

Bend those knees baby and fall on your bottom.  I do believe she will be walking before crawling for sure.

 Good job baby girl! Mommy is so proud of you!!!