
Friday, May 31, 2019

Happy 4th Birthday, Joanna!!!

Oh Jo, I cannot believe you are a 4 year old!!  I'm not sure how we got here, but here we are.  I cannot wait to see how you grow in year 4!

Stats: You are still a tiny peanut.  We measured you at 37" and weighing 28 pounds.  You have your well-check coming up in a couple of weeks for an accurate number.  You can still wear 2T bottoms, but I have you mostly wearing 3T.  You can either wear 3T or 4T tops.  You are a toddler 8 shoe.  You are slightly smaller than what Vivian was at this age, but that's okay.

Sleep:  You had about 6 months straight streak of waking 1-3 times every single night in search of your stuffed puppies.  I thought I had a newborn again!  It was a long 6 months, but knock-on-wood, you are back sleeping all night with the occasional wake-up looking for your puppies.  You're in bed around 7:30 pm and sleep until 6:45-7:30 am.  You still wait on your green light if you wake before it goes off at 7 am.

Eat:  You love eating Trader Joe's Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal.  That's your go-to breakfast.  You also love snacking on Trader Joe's chocolate granola bars.  You are still my smoothie girl and still love your cheeseburgers.  You prefer to snack than eating an actual meal.

Personality:  You are the most strong-willed child I have ever met.  You love to do everything yourself.  Lord help me if you are unable to reach the soap and sink in a public restroom.  Those are always fun times.  You get scared in different situations when you don't have your "security blanket" Vivian with you.  You cried during your entire tap dance routine at your recital.  Broke my heart.  You also cried at PreK3 graduation when walking down the aisle.  So sad.  You always have your fingers in your mouth when you are scared.  You have overcome your fear of characters.  You met a creepy Peppa Pig and loved it.  You also now like Sammy Seahawk.  Since you've overcome that fear, we are going to try a Disney Cruise this summer.  You still have your "smiling" eyes and you know how to pose for the camera.   

Loves:  Peppa Pig, Team Umizoomi, books, animals (we got a mini goldendoodle the end of March and you love him so much), M&M's, Vivian, the playground, swimming pool, go-karts, your friends, going to Mayfair, church and school.

Dislikes:  When I tell you "no."  You hit me every time then you want me to hold you while you cry.  You aren't a fan of sharing with Vivian, but you will. 

Milestones:  Transitioned to your big girl bed, fully potty trained and Vivian taught you how to swing on your own.  That's a huge milestone! So fun watching you and you always want me to watch how high you can swing.  

You are a tiny ball of fire. Life would not be as full if God didn't select us to be your parents.  We love you sweet baby girl.  XXOO!!

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Friday, May 31, 2019

Happy 4th Birthday, Joanna!!!

Oh Jo, I cannot believe you are a 4 year old!!  I'm not sure how we got here, but here we are.  I cannot wait to see how you grow in year 4!

Stats: You are still a tiny peanut.  We measured you at 37" and weighing 28 pounds.  You have your well-check coming up in a couple of weeks for an accurate number.  You can still wear 2T bottoms, but I have you mostly wearing 3T.  You can either wear 3T or 4T tops.  You are a toddler 8 shoe.  You are slightly smaller than what Vivian was at this age, but that's okay.

Sleep:  You had about 6 months straight streak of waking 1-3 times every single night in search of your stuffed puppies.  I thought I had a newborn again!  It was a long 6 months, but knock-on-wood, you are back sleeping all night with the occasional wake-up looking for your puppies.  You're in bed around 7:30 pm and sleep until 6:45-7:30 am.  You still wait on your green light if you wake before it goes off at 7 am.

Eat:  You love eating Trader Joe's Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal.  That's your go-to breakfast.  You also love snacking on Trader Joe's chocolate granola bars.  You are still my smoothie girl and still love your cheeseburgers.  You prefer to snack than eating an actual meal.

Personality:  You are the most strong-willed child I have ever met.  You love to do everything yourself.  Lord help me if you are unable to reach the soap and sink in a public restroom.  Those are always fun times.  You get scared in different situations when you don't have your "security blanket" Vivian with you.  You cried during your entire tap dance routine at your recital.  Broke my heart.  You also cried at PreK3 graduation when walking down the aisle.  So sad.  You always have your fingers in your mouth when you are scared.  You have overcome your fear of characters.  You met a creepy Peppa Pig and loved it.  You also now like Sammy Seahawk.  Since you've overcome that fear, we are going to try a Disney Cruise this summer.  You still have your "smiling" eyes and you know how to pose for the camera.   

Loves:  Peppa Pig, Team Umizoomi, books, animals (we got a mini goldendoodle the end of March and you love him so much), M&M's, Vivian, the playground, swimming pool, go-karts, your friends, going to Mayfair, church and school.

Dislikes:  When I tell you "no."  You hit me every time then you want me to hold you while you cry.  You aren't a fan of sharing with Vivian, but you will. 

Milestones:  Transitioned to your big girl bed, fully potty trained and Vivian taught you how to swing on your own.  That's a huge milestone! So fun watching you and you always want me to watch how high you can swing.  

You are a tiny ball of fire. Life would not be as full if God didn't select us to be your parents.  We love you sweet baby girl.  XXOO!!

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