
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

12 Months Old

Blink and you are 12 months old.  Seems just like it was yesterday when you were born.

You are now technically a 'toddler' even though you aren't walking yet.  Looking at you, you will always be my baby, my last child.  

You are the sweetest little thing, but your personality is really coming out.  If you are told 'no', tears start flowing just like your big sister.  You also don't like when mommy takes things away from you when you aren't suppose to playing with it, like power cords.  

You've started giving the biggest, slobbery kisses.  I'll ask for a kiss and you open your mouth wide and give me a big wet kiss.  Love it!!  

You've started playing 'chase' with Vivian.  She'll run and you'll crawl as fast as you can trying to catch her.  Can't wait for you to start walking!  You and Vivian love playing in mommy and daddy's room.  Vivian will shut the door so you guys can play by yourselves.  Melts my heart until I hear you crying, ha!

You've started not becoming a fan of your high chair at home or at a restaurant.  You want to explore and not be trapped.  However, you love being held.  There have been many days you cry instantly when I have to sit you down.  You just want to be attached to my hip.  

We love you so so much Joanna Grace!!!  You have completed our family and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!!  


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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

12 Months Old

Blink and you are 12 months old.  Seems just like it was yesterday when you were born.

You are now technically a 'toddler' even though you aren't walking yet.  Looking at you, you will always be my baby, my last child.  

You are the sweetest little thing, but your personality is really coming out.  If you are told 'no', tears start flowing just like your big sister.  You also don't like when mommy takes things away from you when you aren't suppose to playing with it, like power cords.  

You've started giving the biggest, slobbery kisses.  I'll ask for a kiss and you open your mouth wide and give me a big wet kiss.  Love it!!  

You've started playing 'chase' with Vivian.  She'll run and you'll crawl as fast as you can trying to catch her.  Can't wait for you to start walking!  You and Vivian love playing in mommy and daddy's room.  Vivian will shut the door so you guys can play by yourselves.  Melts my heart until I hear you crying, ha!

You've started not becoming a fan of your high chair at home or at a restaurant.  You want to explore and not be trapped.  However, you love being held.  There have been many days you cry instantly when I have to sit you down.  You just want to be attached to my hip.  

We love you so so much Joanna Grace!!!  You have completed our family and can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!!  


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