
Friday, August 22, 2014

14 Months Old

Happy 14 months to this one!

Oh little one, you are an 18 pound little ham with a lot of attitude.  Your personality is shining more each and every day. 

You have have learned on your own on how to throw a tantrum.  Seriously.  If things aren't going your way, you will toss something down onto the ground, cry hysterically, and times have pinched.  We are working on how to behave when life isn't going your way.

On other days, you are an absolute sweetheart.  You do love to give hugs and the occasional kiss.

 You still hate being left in church nursery.  You're fine for about 10-15 minutes and then you realize I'm not there.  That's when the water works begin.  You are worn out by the time we get home.

You aren't saying any words yet.  You do point to Brody, a ball or a bird and go "bah."  You have; however,  have said out of the blue "daddy," "mommy"(you said that chasing after me) and "all gone."  When "all gone" came out of your mouth you where eating blueberries and you ate the last one.  After it was gone, you tossed your hands up by your face and said "all gone!"  It was amazing to hear.

Even though your aren't saying words (you babble), you do understand when we talk to you.  You cry or get really upset when we say "No," I'll ask you to bring me a book and you'll get me one to read to you, you know to throw trash away in the trash even know that your dirty diaper goes in the diaper pale and not in the kitchen trash, I'll tell you to go to your room and I'll follow and you will lead the way, tell you to love Brody and you'll pat him on the back, give polar bear (your big pink teddy) a hug and you will run over to him and love him, and I'll ask for hugs and you'll give them away. 

You are an excellent eater.  We typically have oatmeal, yogurt and fruit for breakfast.  You snack on fruit, Annie's cheddar or bunny grahams.  Lunch we'll have pb&j on Ezekiel bread, cheese quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla, Applegate turkey with cucumber.  Dinner you eat what we eat.  You love veggies!  Broccoli, cauliflower and green beans are your favorite.  You also love fish, guacamole and pasta!

You are an EXCELLENT pooper!  You poop 2-3 times a day.  All those fruits and vegetables keeps things moving.  You still won't drink anything but water.  I think that also helps keeping things moving.

You love helping mommy around the house.  Especially taking the silverware out of the dishwasher and handing them to me to put away.

You love being outside.  If you could stay outside all day, you would.  That's your happy place.  

You are better about your carseat.  I think it helps we get out of the house everday.  You love going to the indoor play area, Tmuffins.  You love playing on the slide and holding as many balls as possible.

You love when we read to you.  You'll grab a book and sit in our lap.  Some books we'll read two words and you'll close it shut, but the one's you will listen completely are 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Who Do You See?' 'Pat The Bunny,' 'You Are My Sunshine,'  'Butterfly Kisses' and 'Peek-A-Boo.'

You have 8 teeth, practically running, can walk backwards and climb down the stairs all by yourself.

    You have weaned yourself off the bottle completely.  We now have our bath, lotion up, get into our jammies and straight to bed.  You don't want mommy to rock you.  Made me so sad, but that showed me that you are growing up.

Everyday is an adventure with you my sweet darling.  We love watching you grow!  You are one AMAZING little girl and we love you oh so much!!!  

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Friday, August 22, 2014

14 Months Old

Happy 14 months to this one!

Oh little one, you are an 18 pound little ham with a lot of attitude.  Your personality is shining more each and every day. 

You have have learned on your own on how to throw a tantrum.  Seriously.  If things aren't going your way, you will toss something down onto the ground, cry hysterically, and times have pinched.  We are working on how to behave when life isn't going your way.

On other days, you are an absolute sweetheart.  You do love to give hugs and the occasional kiss.

 You still hate being left in church nursery.  You're fine for about 10-15 minutes and then you realize I'm not there.  That's when the water works begin.  You are worn out by the time we get home.

You aren't saying any words yet.  You do point to Brody, a ball or a bird and go "bah."  You have; however,  have said out of the blue "daddy," "mommy"(you said that chasing after me) and "all gone."  When "all gone" came out of your mouth you where eating blueberries and you ate the last one.  After it was gone, you tossed your hands up by your face and said "all gone!"  It was amazing to hear.

Even though your aren't saying words (you babble), you do understand when we talk to you.  You cry or get really upset when we say "No," I'll ask you to bring me a book and you'll get me one to read to you, you know to throw trash away in the trash even know that your dirty diaper goes in the diaper pale and not in the kitchen trash, I'll tell you to go to your room and I'll follow and you will lead the way, tell you to love Brody and you'll pat him on the back, give polar bear (your big pink teddy) a hug and you will run over to him and love him, and I'll ask for hugs and you'll give them away. 

You are an excellent eater.  We typically have oatmeal, yogurt and fruit for breakfast.  You snack on fruit, Annie's cheddar or bunny grahams.  Lunch we'll have pb&j on Ezekiel bread, cheese quesadilla on whole wheat tortilla, Applegate turkey with cucumber.  Dinner you eat what we eat.  You love veggies!  Broccoli, cauliflower and green beans are your favorite.  You also love fish, guacamole and pasta!

You are an EXCELLENT pooper!  You poop 2-3 times a day.  All those fruits and vegetables keeps things moving.  You still won't drink anything but water.  I think that also helps keeping things moving.

You love helping mommy around the house.  Especially taking the silverware out of the dishwasher and handing them to me to put away.

You love being outside.  If you could stay outside all day, you would.  That's your happy place.  

You are better about your carseat.  I think it helps we get out of the house everday.  You love going to the indoor play area, Tmuffins.  You love playing on the slide and holding as many balls as possible.

You love when we read to you.  You'll grab a book and sit in our lap.  Some books we'll read two words and you'll close it shut, but the one's you will listen completely are 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Who Do You See?' 'Pat The Bunny,' 'You Are My Sunshine,'  'Butterfly Kisses' and 'Peek-A-Boo.'

You have 8 teeth, practically running, can walk backwards and climb down the stairs all by yourself.

    You have weaned yourself off the bottle completely.  We now have our bath, lotion up, get into our jammies and straight to bed.  You don't want mommy to rock you.  Made me so sad, but that showed me that you are growing up.

Everyday is an adventure with you my sweet darling.  We love watching you grow!  You are one AMAZING little girl and we love you oh so much!!!  

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