
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

13 weeks

This post will be brief.  Due to travel for the Christmas holiday, I was unable to do my weekly chalkboard picture. I did take a picture of me wearing my 10th grade cheerleading skirt.  Yes, you read correctly...I couldn't believe it myself.  32 years old and 3 months pregnant, I was able to barely squeeze into that teeny tiny thing.  Grant it, the skirt wasn't sitting on my hip like it was suppose to, but just underneath my boobs.  Hey, I was able to zip and button that sucker up...that's all that counts!  I have no clue if I gained any weight, I will kniw tomorrow.  I'm sure I did from all the snacking I did.  Feeling pretty normal.  To be honest, not feeling very pregnant.  Only have signs of a slight pooch.  I just look, and feel, bloated.  My next Drs appointment isn't scheduled until Jan 16th.  Hoping everything is going the way it should be!  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 Weeks

How Far Along Are You: 12 weeks
Weight gain:  0 lb, 117.6  (started at 116.6, but my weight has been fluctuating from 116-117.  All depends on what I eat)
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet
Wedding band on or off: On
Stretch Marks: None.  I've been lathering myself with Palmer's Cream.
Sleep:  Sleep has gotten much better after my nurse told me I can sleep however I would like up until 16-18 weeks of my pregnancy.
Best Moment This Week: Telling Brian's colleagues that we were expecting at his Christmas party on Friday night.  He wrote a wonderful toast making it sound like he was leaving his job in the fall and then at the end we said that we were expecting.  Everyone's face was priceless!  Great moment.
What I Miss:  Still caffeine, beer and wine :(
Does Anyone Know?:  Both parents and siblings, my co-workers (can't keep secrets at my office), Brian's colleagues and my two best friends from Mississippi. I will make a Facebook announcement Monday night after I have my appointment with my OB.  Want to make sure everything is going well first.
Movement:  Not yet.  My nurse said I will probably start feeling movement at 20 weeks.
Food Cravings?: Onion Rings which I finally had some for lunch today.  They were greasy and delicious:)
Anything making you feel blah or sick?:  I tried eating a scrambled egg and cheese sandwich the other day for breakfast and I could only eat half. 
Gender:  Not yet.  Can't wait for that part!!
Labor Signs:  No.  I would be freaked out if I did right now!
Symptoms:  Still sore boobs on occasion.  Overall, I have been feeling pretty good.  Like my normal self.
Belly button in or out?:   I have an iny-outy belly button.  I'm sure this sucker will be pocking out for sure.
Mood: Happy.
Looking Forward To:  December 17th to see my Dr then officially telling everyone that we are expecting.  Also, going to Mississippi to see my family for Christmas :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

11 Weeks

How Far Along Are You: 11 weeks, 1 day :)
Weight gain:  1 lb, 117.6  (started at 116.6, but my weight has been fluctuating from 116-117.  All depends on what I eat)
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet
Wedding band on or off: On
Stretch Marks: None.  I've been lathering myself with Palmer's Cream.
Sleep:  I go to sleep way too early which means I wake up around 1-2 am every night and takes me an hour or so go to back to sleep.  
Best Moment This Week:  Going to my 1st ultrasound finding out that I was 10.5 weeks along, not 7 weeks.  Surprise to us!
What I Miss:  Caffeine, beer and wine :(  With all the Christmas parties coming upon us I will be drinking Sparkling Grape Juice in a wine glass to make me feel like I'm enjoying a lovely glass of red wine.
Does Anyone Know?:  Both parents and siblings, my co-workers (can't keep secrets at my office) and my two best friends from Mississippi.  We are planning on telling Brian's colleagues at his Christmas party on Friday the 14th.  
Movement:  Not yet I don't think.  I feel a little tickle over now-and-then on my left side.  Not sure if its baby or just my imagination.
Food Cravings?:  Not too bad.  I try to keep it overall healthy.  I'm already just about chickened out. I do eat more fruit than vegetables.  I really wanted garlic bread last night when we had pizza at Slice of Life, but they didn't sell any.  What pizza place doesn't have garlic bread??  Crazy.  I had to settle with a chocolate shake from Brewsters.  I have been wanting some banana pudding.  Will be making some this afternoon :)
Anything making you feel blah or sick?:  Hot coffee that is flavored, especially vanilla.
Gender:  Not yet.  Can't wait for that part!!
Labor Signs:  No.  I would be freaked out if I did right now!
Symptoms:  Very sore boobs.  Especially when I wake up in the middle of the night and when I first get up.  A little nausea feeling if I eat a lot.  No vomiting thankfully.  
Belly button in or out?:   I have an iny-outy belly button.  I'm sure this sucker will be pocking out for sure.
Mood:  Overall pretty happy.  I do get a little irritated with BK at times, but who doesn't with their husband?
Looking Forward To:  December 17th to see my Dr then officially telling everyone that we are expecting.

We are FINALLY Going to be parents!!

Hello whoever is reading this.  On November 16, 2012 my husband, Brian, and I found out that we are having a little one on the way.  Let me just start from the beginning.  We have been married for a little over 6 years and we have a fur child named Brody.  He's a spoiled little miniature schnauzer.  Rotten.  During our 6 years of marriage we never "tried" getting pregnant even though I had been off birth control after our first year of marriage.  I hated the way I felt after taking the pill.  Nausea was not fun.  Anyway,  I didn't bother checking to see why I randomly haven't become pregnant.  We are "just go with the flow" type of people. Back in 2010 we decided it was time for us to become parents.  We had bought our house, students loans payed off...we were financially set.  Come December 2010 we found out were were pregnant.  The first week of "trying" I became pregnant.  I thought to myself, damn, that was easy.  If we had "tried" I'm sure I would have been pregnant sooner if we wanted it then.  We kept the secret between us two since it was so close to Christmas.  I knew my Mom was coming to visit us from Mississippi so I wanted to give her a gift with the picture of the pregnancy test showing positive.  That was something that I wanted to do over the phone.  We live in North Carolina by the way.  She cried with joy.  My brother has one child that was 8 years old at the time.  She was ready for a little grandchild. We went looking at baby clothes, bought a pregnancy journal and I even bought a diaper bag. We were just thrilled.  We told my husband's parents on Christmas Eve.  We ordered a onesie that said, "My Big Brother Is a Schnauzer."  My mother-in-law was little confused at first then it registered to her that we were pregnant.  Brian's dad was so excited...he couldn't believe it.  We were all very thankful that Christmas.  Then on January 11, 2011 I was at work and stepped to the restroom and started bleeding.  I was shaking and just ill.  I was suppose to have my first ultrasound the next day.  I went to my Gynecologist and they did an ultrasound and it turned out that I had miscarried.  The baby stopped developing at 6 weeks 4 days.  We were heartbroken.  I scheduled a D&E and that was it.  No more baby.

After my D&E, my period came back normal the first month.  After that, it was all out of whack.  I had never been irregular in my entire life.  I did become a vegetarian for a year when all of that happened, so not sure if that was the culprit.  After the year of being I vegetarian I decided to go back to eating meat.  My periods became regular again.  Then in 2012, we decided it was time to talk with my Gynecologist to see if there was anything that we could try.  He Rx'd Clomid (50 mg) and we scheduled our timing.  I went for my bloodwork when asked too and it turned out that I did not ovulate and my progesterone level was pretty much non-existent  I did 5 rounds of Clomid...3 rounds of 50 mg and 2 rounds of 100 mg.  All of my bloodwork came back saying I did not ovulate and my progesterone levels were extremely low.  The highest it got to was 5. I was just frustrated and decided we just needed to take a break.  Two girls that I work with became pregnant and that was difficult for me.  One wasn't even trying and the other girl was.  I was more upset of the one that wasn't trying.  Just didn't understand.  Then in September we decided that I should call a fertility doctor to see what our options were.  I knew I didn't want to do IVF so we were going to look into IUI.  I called and scheduled my appointment for December 5th.  I had my appt scheduled and I was just going to let loose and get my drink on since I knew I wouldn't be able to drink while doing fertility.  Both of our birthdays are in October so we made the most of that month.  I had my menstrual cycle that month and I was like, oh well, not pregnant...again.  Then November rolled around.  I was becoming very tired and my boobs were killing be.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  I thought I was coming down with a cold and it was getting close to when I was suppose to start so I didn't think nothing about it.  When my period didn't start on the 13th, I figured I would wait until Friday the 16th  to take a test just in case I was late.  Well, here comes Friday and still no period.  Took a HPT and BOOM, I'm pregnant!

I couldn't believe it.  After all of that, I am pregnant.  We were trying to think back and figure out when we conceived.  We thought it was the night that we got trashed and went to a haunted house on October 27th.  I was thinking to myself, I must be really in-tuned to my body because of the symptoms of fatigue, sore boobs and constantly hungry that I had so early on.  I went to my Dr that Friday morning to confirm the pregnancy and then requested them to do bloodwork to check my progesterone levels.  I also went back on Monday for another bloodwork to see how my levels were doing.  I was freaking out that they didn't call me the day after they received my results which would have been on Tuesday the 20th.  I wanted to know my results before we left for Thanksgiving.  Finally on Wednesday afternoon they called and gave me my results.  My progesterone level was 19.4 which was AWESOME!  I was so relieved.  I was still anxious about my ultrasound which was natural.  The day my ultrasound was scheduled was the day I was suppose to meet with a fertility Dr which was crazy.  On Wednesday, December 5th we went to the ultrasound.  I was thinking I was just over 7 weeks.  When the ultrasound tech was looking around she asked when the first day of my last period was.  I said October 15th.  She looked at me and said I must have had some vaginal bleeding which was common because I was anywhere from 10-12 weeks.  Wait.  What?!  She measured the little butter bean and it turned out I was 10.5 weeks.  She gave us a due date for June 29, 2013.  I couldn't believe it!  I started feeling bad because I had been drinking...a lot.  She said everything looked great and he/she had a great heartbeat.  Thankfully, I was already taking a prenatal vitamin. Little nugget got some early drinking on.  So that's my story.  If you are going through something similar, don't give up.  I knew God had a plan for us and wanted it on his time, not mine.  Can't wait to meet this little one!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

13 weeks

This post will be brief.  Due to travel for the Christmas holiday, I was unable to do my weekly chalkboard picture. I did take a picture of me wearing my 10th grade cheerleading skirt.  Yes, you read correctly...I couldn't believe it myself.  32 years old and 3 months pregnant, I was able to barely squeeze into that teeny tiny thing.  Grant it, the skirt wasn't sitting on my hip like it was suppose to, but just underneath my boobs.  Hey, I was able to zip and button that sucker up...that's all that counts!  I have no clue if I gained any weight, I will kniw tomorrow.  I'm sure I did from all the snacking I did.  Feeling pretty normal.  To be honest, not feeling very pregnant.  Only have signs of a slight pooch.  I just look, and feel, bloated.  My next Drs appointment isn't scheduled until Jan 16th.  Hoping everything is going the way it should be!  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 Weeks

How Far Along Are You: 12 weeks
Weight gain:  0 lb, 117.6  (started at 116.6, but my weight has been fluctuating from 116-117.  All depends on what I eat)
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet
Wedding band on or off: On
Stretch Marks: None.  I've been lathering myself with Palmer's Cream.
Sleep:  Sleep has gotten much better after my nurse told me I can sleep however I would like up until 16-18 weeks of my pregnancy.
Best Moment This Week: Telling Brian's colleagues that we were expecting at his Christmas party on Friday night.  He wrote a wonderful toast making it sound like he was leaving his job in the fall and then at the end we said that we were expecting.  Everyone's face was priceless!  Great moment.
What I Miss:  Still caffeine, beer and wine :(
Does Anyone Know?:  Both parents and siblings, my co-workers (can't keep secrets at my office), Brian's colleagues and my two best friends from Mississippi. I will make a Facebook announcement Monday night after I have my appointment with my OB.  Want to make sure everything is going well first.
Movement:  Not yet.  My nurse said I will probably start feeling movement at 20 weeks.
Food Cravings?: Onion Rings which I finally had some for lunch today.  They were greasy and delicious:)
Anything making you feel blah or sick?:  I tried eating a scrambled egg and cheese sandwich the other day for breakfast and I could only eat half. 
Gender:  Not yet.  Can't wait for that part!!
Labor Signs:  No.  I would be freaked out if I did right now!
Symptoms:  Still sore boobs on occasion.  Overall, I have been feeling pretty good.  Like my normal self.
Belly button in or out?:   I have an iny-outy belly button.  I'm sure this sucker will be pocking out for sure.
Mood: Happy.
Looking Forward To:  December 17th to see my Dr then officially telling everyone that we are expecting.  Also, going to Mississippi to see my family for Christmas :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

11 Weeks

How Far Along Are You: 11 weeks, 1 day :)
Weight gain:  1 lb, 117.6  (started at 116.6, but my weight has been fluctuating from 116-117.  All depends on what I eat)
Maternity Clothes:  Not yet
Wedding band on or off: On
Stretch Marks: None.  I've been lathering myself with Palmer's Cream.
Sleep:  I go to sleep way too early which means I wake up around 1-2 am every night and takes me an hour or so go to back to sleep.  
Best Moment This Week:  Going to my 1st ultrasound finding out that I was 10.5 weeks along, not 7 weeks.  Surprise to us!
What I Miss:  Caffeine, beer and wine :(  With all the Christmas parties coming upon us I will be drinking Sparkling Grape Juice in a wine glass to make me feel like I'm enjoying a lovely glass of red wine.
Does Anyone Know?:  Both parents and siblings, my co-workers (can't keep secrets at my office) and my two best friends from Mississippi.  We are planning on telling Brian's colleagues at his Christmas party on Friday the 14th.  
Movement:  Not yet I don't think.  I feel a little tickle over now-and-then on my left side.  Not sure if its baby or just my imagination.
Food Cravings?:  Not too bad.  I try to keep it overall healthy.  I'm already just about chickened out. I do eat more fruit than vegetables.  I really wanted garlic bread last night when we had pizza at Slice of Life, but they didn't sell any.  What pizza place doesn't have garlic bread??  Crazy.  I had to settle with a chocolate shake from Brewsters.  I have been wanting some banana pudding.  Will be making some this afternoon :)
Anything making you feel blah or sick?:  Hot coffee that is flavored, especially vanilla.
Gender:  Not yet.  Can't wait for that part!!
Labor Signs:  No.  I would be freaked out if I did right now!
Symptoms:  Very sore boobs.  Especially when I wake up in the middle of the night and when I first get up.  A little nausea feeling if I eat a lot.  No vomiting thankfully.  
Belly button in or out?:   I have an iny-outy belly button.  I'm sure this sucker will be pocking out for sure.
Mood:  Overall pretty happy.  I do get a little irritated with BK at times, but who doesn't with their husband?
Looking Forward To:  December 17th to see my Dr then officially telling everyone that we are expecting.

We are FINALLY Going to be parents!!

Hello whoever is reading this.  On November 16, 2012 my husband, Brian, and I found out that we are having a little one on the way.  Let me just start from the beginning.  We have been married for a little over 6 years and we have a fur child named Brody.  He's a spoiled little miniature schnauzer.  Rotten.  During our 6 years of marriage we never "tried" getting pregnant even though I had been off birth control after our first year of marriage.  I hated the way I felt after taking the pill.  Nausea was not fun.  Anyway,  I didn't bother checking to see why I randomly haven't become pregnant.  We are "just go with the flow" type of people. Back in 2010 we decided it was time for us to become parents.  We had bought our house, students loans payed off...we were financially set.  Come December 2010 we found out were were pregnant.  The first week of "trying" I became pregnant.  I thought to myself, damn, that was easy.  If we had "tried" I'm sure I would have been pregnant sooner if we wanted it then.  We kept the secret between us two since it was so close to Christmas.  I knew my Mom was coming to visit us from Mississippi so I wanted to give her a gift with the picture of the pregnancy test showing positive.  That was something that I wanted to do over the phone.  We live in North Carolina by the way.  She cried with joy.  My brother has one child that was 8 years old at the time.  She was ready for a little grandchild. We went looking at baby clothes, bought a pregnancy journal and I even bought a diaper bag. We were just thrilled.  We told my husband's parents on Christmas Eve.  We ordered a onesie that said, "My Big Brother Is a Schnauzer."  My mother-in-law was little confused at first then it registered to her that we were pregnant.  Brian's dad was so excited...he couldn't believe it.  We were all very thankful that Christmas.  Then on January 11, 2011 I was at work and stepped to the restroom and started bleeding.  I was shaking and just ill.  I was suppose to have my first ultrasound the next day.  I went to my Gynecologist and they did an ultrasound and it turned out that I had miscarried.  The baby stopped developing at 6 weeks 4 days.  We were heartbroken.  I scheduled a D&E and that was it.  No more baby.

After my D&E, my period came back normal the first month.  After that, it was all out of whack.  I had never been irregular in my entire life.  I did become a vegetarian for a year when all of that happened, so not sure if that was the culprit.  After the year of being I vegetarian I decided to go back to eating meat.  My periods became regular again.  Then in 2012, we decided it was time to talk with my Gynecologist to see if there was anything that we could try.  He Rx'd Clomid (50 mg) and we scheduled our timing.  I went for my bloodwork when asked too and it turned out that I did not ovulate and my progesterone level was pretty much non-existent  I did 5 rounds of Clomid...3 rounds of 50 mg and 2 rounds of 100 mg.  All of my bloodwork came back saying I did not ovulate and my progesterone levels were extremely low.  The highest it got to was 5. I was just frustrated and decided we just needed to take a break.  Two girls that I work with became pregnant and that was difficult for me.  One wasn't even trying and the other girl was.  I was more upset of the one that wasn't trying.  Just didn't understand.  Then in September we decided that I should call a fertility doctor to see what our options were.  I knew I didn't want to do IVF so we were going to look into IUI.  I called and scheduled my appointment for December 5th.  I had my appt scheduled and I was just going to let loose and get my drink on since I knew I wouldn't be able to drink while doing fertility.  Both of our birthdays are in October so we made the most of that month.  I had my menstrual cycle that month and I was like, oh well, not pregnant...again.  Then November rolled around.  I was becoming very tired and my boobs were killing be.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  I thought I was coming down with a cold and it was getting close to when I was suppose to start so I didn't think nothing about it.  When my period didn't start on the 13th, I figured I would wait until Friday the 16th  to take a test just in case I was late.  Well, here comes Friday and still no period.  Took a HPT and BOOM, I'm pregnant!

I couldn't believe it.  After all of that, I am pregnant.  We were trying to think back and figure out when we conceived.  We thought it was the night that we got trashed and went to a haunted house on October 27th.  I was thinking to myself, I must be really in-tuned to my body because of the symptoms of fatigue, sore boobs and constantly hungry that I had so early on.  I went to my Dr that Friday morning to confirm the pregnancy and then requested them to do bloodwork to check my progesterone levels.  I also went back on Monday for another bloodwork to see how my levels were doing.  I was freaking out that they didn't call me the day after they received my results which would have been on Tuesday the 20th.  I wanted to know my results before we left for Thanksgiving.  Finally on Wednesday afternoon they called and gave me my results.  My progesterone level was 19.4 which was AWESOME!  I was so relieved.  I was still anxious about my ultrasound which was natural.  The day my ultrasound was scheduled was the day I was suppose to meet with a fertility Dr which was crazy.  On Wednesday, December 5th we went to the ultrasound.  I was thinking I was just over 7 weeks.  When the ultrasound tech was looking around she asked when the first day of my last period was.  I said October 15th.  She looked at me and said I must have had some vaginal bleeding which was common because I was anywhere from 10-12 weeks.  Wait.  What?!  She measured the little butter bean and it turned out I was 10.5 weeks.  She gave us a due date for June 29, 2013.  I couldn't believe it!  I started feeling bad because I had been drinking...a lot.  She said everything looked great and he/she had a great heartbeat.  Thankfully, I was already taking a prenatal vitamin. Little nugget got some early drinking on.  So that's my story.  If you are going through something similar, don't give up.  I knew God had a plan for us and wanted it on his time, not mine.  Can't wait to meet this little one!