
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Joanna 22 Months

Boy, I have been a slacker on updating this blog.  Sorry Joanna for being able to document each month for you I did with Vivian.  Life with two kids I suppose.  Well, before you turn 23 months, here's an update on the soon to be 2 year old.  Eek!  I CANNOT BELIEVE my sweet babe is about to turn 2!

Stats: 20.4 lbs, not sure how tall you are.  Shoe size toddler 5, but I think you move to toddler 5.5-6.  Size 4 diapers.  Clothes 18-24 months in tops and dresses, bottoms 18 months and also wearing 2T leggings that are slightly loose.

Sleep:  Wake around 7am (if you wake before 7, I don't come get you until 7am), Nap 1 - 3/3:30 (always wake by 3:30pm...there are days you wake around 2:30, but I leave you there until 3pm), bedtime go up at 7...sometimes 7:15pm...and you are in the crib by 7:15-7:30pm.  You take up to an hour to fall asleep.  

Bedtime Routine:  Brush teeth (which you hate), you currently love looking at the pictures of The Adventures of Milo and Otis, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Go into your sleep sack, take a sip of water, lamp off, box fans on, I sing (and you sing along with me which is the sweetest thing EVER) Baa Baa Black Sheep (favorite song), Silent Night, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves The Little Children and You Are My Sunshine.  You go in your crib, I give you your dalamation puppy, and tell you 'night night, I love you, sweet dreams, I will see you in the morning.  Good night sweet darling'.

Eating: You love pasta with marinara sauce (really most all pasta), multi-grain cheerios, strawberries, smoothies, sweet potato fries, spinach leaves, chicken nuggets, hamburgers (you will not eat it if it has cheese), soup, all desserts and sweets.  

Favorites:  You love nursery rhymes!  You try to sing along and sway you head back and cute.  Baby dolls, running/playing chase, swinging, sliding  (you aren't afraid of going down the big slides at the playground), the beach, rocks, lizards, frogs, dogs, playing with your cash register, and taking whatever Vivian has away from her.  

Dislikes:  Diaper changes, being told 'no', riding in the shopping cart for too long, leaving some where fun, having to wait (you have zero patience).

Speech:  You can say, 'mama, dada, dog, bird, peppa, more, ball, baby', to name a few.  You understand every single thing we say.  When you want to do something one more time, you hold one finger up and say, 'more' for just once more.  When you want an m&m it is the cutest thing hearing try to say m& stick your tongue in and out with words coming out.  Love it!

I can already tell you're going to be the little comedian in the family. You love trying to make us laugh.  The cutest thing is when you tilt your chin to your chest then look up with your eyes, moving them around.  It's hilarious!!  

You have 'smiling eyes' as Memom calls them.  When you smile, your eyes smile as well.  When I take your picture you go 'cheeeezzee' and tilt your little head to the side.  

When you hug, you give the biggest hugs.  You love giving Vivian hugs in the bath.  When I pick you up from church nursery or if I leave the house without you and come back, and when you see me or daddy, you open your wide and scream 'mama or dada' and hug us tightly.  So adorable seeing the excitement.

We love you so much sweet darling.  This has been a quick 22 months!  You are acting more and more like a a toddler each and every day.  I can't imagine life without you baby girl. Love you always always!!

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Joanna 22 Months

Boy, I have been a slacker on updating this blog.  Sorry Joanna for being able to document each month for you I did with Vivian.  Life with two kids I suppose.  Well, before you turn 23 months, here's an update on the soon to be 2 year old.  Eek!  I CANNOT BELIEVE my sweet babe is about to turn 2!

Stats: 20.4 lbs, not sure how tall you are.  Shoe size toddler 5, but I think you move to toddler 5.5-6.  Size 4 diapers.  Clothes 18-24 months in tops and dresses, bottoms 18 months and also wearing 2T leggings that are slightly loose.

Sleep:  Wake around 7am (if you wake before 7, I don't come get you until 7am), Nap 1 - 3/3:30 (always wake by 3:30pm...there are days you wake around 2:30, but I leave you there until 3pm), bedtime go up at 7...sometimes 7:15pm...and you are in the crib by 7:15-7:30pm.  You take up to an hour to fall asleep.  

Bedtime Routine:  Brush teeth (which you hate), you currently love looking at the pictures of The Adventures of Milo and Otis, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Go into your sleep sack, take a sip of water, lamp off, box fans on, I sing (and you sing along with me which is the sweetest thing EVER) Baa Baa Black Sheep (favorite song), Silent Night, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves The Little Children and You Are My Sunshine.  You go in your crib, I give you your dalamation puppy, and tell you 'night night, I love you, sweet dreams, I will see you in the morning.  Good night sweet darling'.

Eating: You love pasta with marinara sauce (really most all pasta), multi-grain cheerios, strawberries, smoothies, sweet potato fries, spinach leaves, chicken nuggets, hamburgers (you will not eat it if it has cheese), soup, all desserts and sweets.  

Favorites:  You love nursery rhymes!  You try to sing along and sway you head back and cute.  Baby dolls, running/playing chase, swinging, sliding  (you aren't afraid of going down the big slides at the playground), the beach, rocks, lizards, frogs, dogs, playing with your cash register, and taking whatever Vivian has away from her.  

Dislikes:  Diaper changes, being told 'no', riding in the shopping cart for too long, leaving some where fun, having to wait (you have zero patience).

Speech:  You can say, 'mama, dada, dog, bird, peppa, more, ball, baby', to name a few.  You understand every single thing we say.  When you want to do something one more time, you hold one finger up and say, 'more' for just once more.  When you want an m&m it is the cutest thing hearing try to say m& stick your tongue in and out with words coming out.  Love it!

I can already tell you're going to be the little comedian in the family. You love trying to make us laugh.  The cutest thing is when you tilt your chin to your chest then look up with your eyes, moving them around.  It's hilarious!!  

You have 'smiling eyes' as Memom calls them.  When you smile, your eyes smile as well.  When I take your picture you go 'cheeeezzee' and tilt your little head to the side.  

When you hug, you give the biggest hugs.  You love giving Vivian hugs in the bath.  When I pick you up from church nursery or if I leave the house without you and come back, and when you see me or daddy, you open your wide and scream 'mama or dada' and hug us tightly.  So adorable seeing the excitement.

We love you so much sweet darling.  This has been a quick 22 months!  You are acting more and more like a a toddler each and every day.  I can't imagine life without you baby girl. Love you always always!!

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