
Monday, October 24, 2016

17 Months Old

Stats:  19.2 pounds.  Clothes size: 6-12 months in dresses and onesies, 12 months in bottoms and 18 months in tops.  Still wearing size 3 diapers.

Sleep: Waking up between 6:30/7am, I don't get you out of your crib until 7am, nap 12:30 - 2:30/3:15, bedtime 7-8 pm depending on what time you wake from your nap.  Our current wake time, 5.5 hours in the morning, 5 hours in the afternoon.

Eat: You have developed a little bit of a sweet tooth, but overall a good eater. You do prefer snacking over eating an actual sit-down meal. You love pancakes, multi-grain cheerios, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, smoothies, chicken nuggets, pasta, hard boiled eggs, Annie's chicken and noodle soup, Annie's cheddar bunnies, cucumber, yogurt tubes (only way you will eat yogurt), corn-on-the-cob, green beans, ice cream cones and popsicles.  You weaned yourself from nursing the morning you turned 16 months.  You are drinking some cows milk, drinking more at this age than Vivian did.  You also love orange juice.  Not a huge water lover, but will drink it since I try to offer that most often.

Milestones:  Weaned from nursing at 16 months and you have mastered going down the stairs by yourself.

Speech:  You aren't saying any words other than "mama", "bah" for ball, "dah" for dog, "bah-woon" for balloon, "sssss" (like a hissing sound) for cheese.  You do understand everything I say.  You shake your head "yes" and "no" when I ask you a question and will follow directions.  

Favorites:  Riding in your red car around the neighborhood, being outside, all animals...especially dogs, playing chase, baths (but absolutely hates being washed), books, you have recently started attempting to jump/walk-off steps or anything uneven and will do it over and over again, picking flowers, playing dress-up, giving hugs and kisses on your own.

Dislikes: Rear-facing in your car seat, riding in the shopping cart and having to face me, sitting in a high chair.  You pretty much hate being restrained, HA!  You hate being told "no".  You will pinch or hit me when things aren't going your way.  Diaper changes, unless daddy is changing your diaper.  You will sit so calmly for him.  I don't get it?!!

My Favorite Moments:  At bedtime when I sing your songs before you go into your crib, you wrap your arms around my neck as tight as you can and bury your face into my face.  It is the sweetest!  When daddy comes home from work, you start squealing so loud running to him.  Love it!!  I love watching you give Vivian the biggest hugs and slobbery kisses.  Vivian has to tell you that's enough hugs all the time.  You love love LOVE your big sister!!!

We love you oh so much!!!!  XXOO!   

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Monday, October 24, 2016

17 Months Old

Stats:  19.2 pounds.  Clothes size: 6-12 months in dresses and onesies, 12 months in bottoms and 18 months in tops.  Still wearing size 3 diapers.

Sleep: Waking up between 6:30/7am, I don't get you out of your crib until 7am, nap 12:30 - 2:30/3:15, bedtime 7-8 pm depending on what time you wake from your nap.  Our current wake time, 5.5 hours in the morning, 5 hours in the afternoon.

Eat: You have developed a little bit of a sweet tooth, but overall a good eater. You do prefer snacking over eating an actual sit-down meal. You love pancakes, multi-grain cheerios, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, smoothies, chicken nuggets, pasta, hard boiled eggs, Annie's chicken and noodle soup, Annie's cheddar bunnies, cucumber, yogurt tubes (only way you will eat yogurt), corn-on-the-cob, green beans, ice cream cones and popsicles.  You weaned yourself from nursing the morning you turned 16 months.  You are drinking some cows milk, drinking more at this age than Vivian did.  You also love orange juice.  Not a huge water lover, but will drink it since I try to offer that most often.

Milestones:  Weaned from nursing at 16 months and you have mastered going down the stairs by yourself.

Speech:  You aren't saying any words other than "mama", "bah" for ball, "dah" for dog, "bah-woon" for balloon, "sssss" (like a hissing sound) for cheese.  You do understand everything I say.  You shake your head "yes" and "no" when I ask you a question and will follow directions.  

Favorites:  Riding in your red car around the neighborhood, being outside, all animals...especially dogs, playing chase, baths (but absolutely hates being washed), books, you have recently started attempting to jump/walk-off steps or anything uneven and will do it over and over again, picking flowers, playing dress-up, giving hugs and kisses on your own.

Dislikes: Rear-facing in your car seat, riding in the shopping cart and having to face me, sitting in a high chair.  You pretty much hate being restrained, HA!  You hate being told "no".  You will pinch or hit me when things aren't going your way.  Diaper changes, unless daddy is changing your diaper.  You will sit so calmly for him.  I don't get it?!!

My Favorite Moments:  At bedtime when I sing your songs before you go into your crib, you wrap your arms around my neck as tight as you can and bury your face into my face.  It is the sweetest!  When daddy comes home from work, you start squealing so loud running to him.  Love it!!  I love watching you give Vivian the biggest hugs and slobbery kisses.  Vivian has to tell you that's enough hugs all the time.  You love love LOVE your big sister!!!

We love you oh so much!!!!  XXOO!   

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