
Friday, December 2, 2016

18 Months Old

Happy 18 months, 1.5 years, to this sweet thing.  I'm late posting, but better late than never.

Stats:  Weighing 19.4 pounds, but we will know your exact weight and height this Tuesday at your well-check.  You are a petite thing like your sister!  You have 13 teeth with another trying to make its way thru.

Sleep:  Wake between 6:30-7:30am, but if you wake before 6:45am, I don't get you out of the crib no earlier than 6:45am.  You nap around 12:30pm for 1.5-2.75 hours...I wake you no later than 3:15pm to preserve bedtime.  Bedtime is between 7-7:30pm, but it usually takes you an hour to fall asleep.  Our bedtime routine consists of turning your box fans on, teeth brushing, getting into your sleep sack, reading a few books (If I Were A Lamb, Pat The Bunny, Numbers Book, Who Do I See), turn your lamp off, take a drink of water, I sing 'Jesus Loves Me', 'This Little Light of Mine', 'Jesus Loves The Little Children', and 'You Are My Sunshine', give you lots of kisses, you go in your crib, give you a lovey and tell you 'night night, I love you you, see you in the morning sweet darling, sweet dreams, hug hug kiss kiss' while walking out of your room.  

 Eat:  You are starting to become a little bit picker of an eater.  You do love Multi-grain Cheerios, strawberries, Annie's yogurt tube (frozen), soup (Annie's chicken & stars are your favorite), cereal bars, veggie straws, cheese, beans, pasta.  You are drinking cow's milk well.  You aren't the biggest fan of water like your sister.  

Favorites:  Nursery rhymes (5 Little Monkeys, If You're Happy And You Know It, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 5 Little Duckies are your favorite songs). Dogs and birds.  You go bananas when you see a dog.  You point and scream out 'DOG!!!' Playing chase, sliding, swinging, bouncing on the bed, piggy back and shoulder rides, crayons, bubbles, riding in the stroller, running up and down hills, being naked (I could watch that sweet tushy run around all day long until you poop or pee on the floor HA), your Vivian (monkey see monkey do with you girls).  Y'all love each other oh so much!  

Dislikes:  Your car seat!  Hopefully Santa will bring you a new one for Christmas.  Diaper changes. Having your hair and body washed, but love just playing in the bath.  Having lotion rubbed on you, sitting in your high chair.  

Milestone:  You are saying more words....'dog', 'duck', 'daaddyy', 'mama', 'bir for bird'.  You try to make animal sounds when I say an animal...too cute!  I'll ask you what Santa says and you'll go 'Ho HO!'  so so cute!  You can sign 'I Love You' :)

I love you ho so much it hurts!!  I just love when you run to me with your arms spread wide to give me the biggest hug.  You wrap your sweet little arms around me neck and squeeze me as tight as you can.  Love it oh so much!!  


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Friday, December 2, 2016

18 Months Old

Happy 18 months, 1.5 years, to this sweet thing.  I'm late posting, but better late than never.

Stats:  Weighing 19.4 pounds, but we will know your exact weight and height this Tuesday at your well-check.  You are a petite thing like your sister!  You have 13 teeth with another trying to make its way thru.

Sleep:  Wake between 6:30-7:30am, but if you wake before 6:45am, I don't get you out of the crib no earlier than 6:45am.  You nap around 12:30pm for 1.5-2.75 hours...I wake you no later than 3:15pm to preserve bedtime.  Bedtime is between 7-7:30pm, but it usually takes you an hour to fall asleep.  Our bedtime routine consists of turning your box fans on, teeth brushing, getting into your sleep sack, reading a few books (If I Were A Lamb, Pat The Bunny, Numbers Book, Who Do I See), turn your lamp off, take a drink of water, I sing 'Jesus Loves Me', 'This Little Light of Mine', 'Jesus Loves The Little Children', and 'You Are My Sunshine', give you lots of kisses, you go in your crib, give you a lovey and tell you 'night night, I love you you, see you in the morning sweet darling, sweet dreams, hug hug kiss kiss' while walking out of your room.  

 Eat:  You are starting to become a little bit picker of an eater.  You do love Multi-grain Cheerios, strawberries, Annie's yogurt tube (frozen), soup (Annie's chicken & stars are your favorite), cereal bars, veggie straws, cheese, beans, pasta.  You are drinking cow's milk well.  You aren't the biggest fan of water like your sister.  

Favorites:  Nursery rhymes (5 Little Monkeys, If You're Happy And You Know It, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 5 Little Duckies are your favorite songs). Dogs and birds.  You go bananas when you see a dog.  You point and scream out 'DOG!!!' Playing chase, sliding, swinging, bouncing on the bed, piggy back and shoulder rides, crayons, bubbles, riding in the stroller, running up and down hills, being naked (I could watch that sweet tushy run around all day long until you poop or pee on the floor HA), your Vivian (monkey see monkey do with you girls).  Y'all love each other oh so much!  

Dislikes:  Your car seat!  Hopefully Santa will bring you a new one for Christmas.  Diaper changes. Having your hair and body washed, but love just playing in the bath.  Having lotion rubbed on you, sitting in your high chair.  

Milestone:  You are saying more words....'dog', 'duck', 'daaddyy', 'mama', 'bir for bird'.  You try to make animal sounds when I say an animal...too cute!  I'll ask you what Santa says and you'll go 'Ho HO!'  so so cute!  You can sign 'I Love You' :)

I love you ho so much it hurts!!  I just love when you run to me with your arms spread wide to give me the biggest hug.  You wrap your sweet little arms around me neck and squeeze me as tight as you can.  Love it oh so much!!  


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