
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

19 Months Old

Happy 19 months to this sickly, flower eating little girl.

You are growing up way too fast young lady.  We are 20+ lbs...haven't weighed you in several weeks...wearing 18-24 month old clothes with a few 2T tops in the mix.  Still can wear you 6-12 months jeans, but leggings are 12-18 months.  You have 12 teeth with two more on the way.  

Bedtime is still 7pm every night and naps last anywhere between 1-2.5 hours.  You still nap on mommy on the couch.  Not sure what we are going to do when my tummy is too big, or better yet, when your little sister arrives.  Your naps may become non-existent. 

We are going through a "I will only take a couple of bites of my food and then I'm done" stage.  You will eat the majority of your breakfast.  You'll eat oatmeal, pancakes, scramble eggs or cereal.  You always have some kind of fruit as well.  Lunch is barely anything.  You'll eat a few bites for deli turkey or ham or I'll give you an entire cucumber.  Dinner I feed you what we eat, yet again, you'll only eat a couple of bites.  I pray this is just a phase.  You do love orange juice, yogurt and fruit.  Everything else is rolling the dice.

You have become terrified of taking baths.  Started Christmas night when we used bubbles in the tub.  Baths had become pure torture.  Screaming, crying, trying to climb out, hanging onto me for dear life.  This has lasted up until a day or so ago.  Memom the "bath whisperer" has calmed you down after working with you for 2 weeks. I think you became petrified of having your hair rinsed.  She has discovered we need to lean you back and gently rinse the soap out.  You actually played and had a great time last night.  Crossing fingers this will continue after she leaves tomorrow.

You try saying words if we ask you to repeat.  Too cute!  Our vocabulary is getting better.  We'll see what Dr. Jackson says when we see him next month.

You love cleaning up spills.  If there's a single drop of water on the floor, you will go straight to the drawer with the dishtowels and clean it up.  You also love throwing trash away.  You'll take your dirty diaper and throw it away or if you finish your yogurt pouch, you know exactly where it goes.  Such a great little helper.

You are obsessed with washing your hands and playing on mommies phone or daddy's Kindle.  

You love waving "bye" and giving kisses.  

You are little miss independent.  Want to do everything yourself. Walk, feed yourself with a spoon or fork, attempting to put your clothes on. You have zero patience though. You get frustrated very  easily. 

You love to pretend play.  Whether having a picnic or feeding your baby doll.    You love strolling you doll around the house.  You also love coloring.  So cute watching you.

Being outdoors is still your happy place.  You love to slide.  We go to the playground often if the weather is nice.    

You are the sweetest little thing and I know you're going to be an awesome big sister.  For right now, I'm going to enjoy our time of only us for now.

I love you baby girl, more than you'll ever know!!          

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

19 Months Old

Happy 19 months to this sickly, flower eating little girl.

You are growing up way too fast young lady.  We are 20+ lbs...haven't weighed you in several weeks...wearing 18-24 month old clothes with a few 2T tops in the mix.  Still can wear you 6-12 months jeans, but leggings are 12-18 months.  You have 12 teeth with two more on the way.  

Bedtime is still 7pm every night and naps last anywhere between 1-2.5 hours.  You still nap on mommy on the couch.  Not sure what we are going to do when my tummy is too big, or better yet, when your little sister arrives.  Your naps may become non-existent. 

We are going through a "I will only take a couple of bites of my food and then I'm done" stage.  You will eat the majority of your breakfast.  You'll eat oatmeal, pancakes, scramble eggs or cereal.  You always have some kind of fruit as well.  Lunch is barely anything.  You'll eat a few bites for deli turkey or ham or I'll give you an entire cucumber.  Dinner I feed you what we eat, yet again, you'll only eat a couple of bites.  I pray this is just a phase.  You do love orange juice, yogurt and fruit.  Everything else is rolling the dice.

You have become terrified of taking baths.  Started Christmas night when we used bubbles in the tub.  Baths had become pure torture.  Screaming, crying, trying to climb out, hanging onto me for dear life.  This has lasted up until a day or so ago.  Memom the "bath whisperer" has calmed you down after working with you for 2 weeks. I think you became petrified of having your hair rinsed.  She has discovered we need to lean you back and gently rinse the soap out.  You actually played and had a great time last night.  Crossing fingers this will continue after she leaves tomorrow.

You try saying words if we ask you to repeat.  Too cute!  Our vocabulary is getting better.  We'll see what Dr. Jackson says when we see him next month.

You love cleaning up spills.  If there's a single drop of water on the floor, you will go straight to the drawer with the dishtowels and clean it up.  You also love throwing trash away.  You'll take your dirty diaper and throw it away or if you finish your yogurt pouch, you know exactly where it goes.  Such a great little helper.

You are obsessed with washing your hands and playing on mommies phone or daddy's Kindle.  

You love waving "bye" and giving kisses.  

You are little miss independent.  Want to do everything yourself. Walk, feed yourself with a spoon or fork, attempting to put your clothes on. You have zero patience though. You get frustrated very  easily. 

You love to pretend play.  Whether having a picnic or feeding your baby doll.    You love strolling you doll around the house.  You also love coloring.  So cute watching you.

Being outdoors is still your happy place.  You love to slide.  We go to the playground often if the weather is nice.    

You are the sweetest little thing and I know you're going to be an awesome big sister.  For right now, I'm going to enjoy our time of only us for now.

I love you baby girl, more than you'll ever know!!          

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