
Monday, August 24, 2015

3 Months Old

Here we are 13 weeks later and this little buttercup is 3 months old. This go around is certainly flying by thanks to big sister!

You must be 12 lbs or over because your portable swing will no longer swing you on its own since it's battery operated.  I have give it a push to get it going again. I can tell you are growing when I hold you to nurse.  Getting so big!

You nurse every 1.5-2 hours for 5-10 minutes.  You are a get in and get out kind of girl.  You do nurse longer before bedtime or if you fall asleep nursing during the day.

Naps are random and when you do nap, it only lasts about 20-30 minutes.  Sometimes I can get an hour or more when we're out and about.  You are a light sleeper and any little noise wakes you up.  You don't like napping in your crib, but sleep well at night.  We start bedtime after Vivian goes to bed around 6:30/7pm.  You sleep until 4:30/5am, eat, wake back up 15-30 minutes latet, eat again, wake up another 15-30 minutes later,  eat and then wake up for the day 7:00-8:00am.  I go up and down the stairs a lot in the early morning since Vivian is usually up at 5am.  Y'all like the early morning!      

You're not a fan of tummy time, but you are doing better than Vivian ever did.  You can lift your head, but you don't use your arms to push up, you use your core to lift. 

You're tolerating your car seat better. We have to time our outings to when you might fall asleep.  There are a few occasions when both you and your sister fall asleep on our way home which is so nice for mommy :)

You are cooing and love getting kisses.  Kisses bring the biggest smile on your face.  

You don't like for me to sit with you.  You prefer me standing, you facing forward or bouncing.  You like motion, but not of the vibrating setting on your bouncer chair.

You love being outside!  That's your happy place.  You also love being on your playmat.  You kick, "talk," giggle. So fun to watch you!

You love your big sister.  If you're fussy, which happens everyday, when Vivian loves on you you stop being fussy.  Love that you let her console you.  You also love watching her play.  She likes to feed you with her pretend food, and every now and then when I'm not looking, you try to share real food.

You are growing into an even more beautiful little girl each and every day sweet buttercup.  I love you oh so much!!!


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Monday, August 24, 2015

3 Months Old

Here we are 13 weeks later and this little buttercup is 3 months old. This go around is certainly flying by thanks to big sister!

You must be 12 lbs or over because your portable swing will no longer swing you on its own since it's battery operated.  I have give it a push to get it going again. I can tell you are growing when I hold you to nurse.  Getting so big!

You nurse every 1.5-2 hours for 5-10 minutes.  You are a get in and get out kind of girl.  You do nurse longer before bedtime or if you fall asleep nursing during the day.

Naps are random and when you do nap, it only lasts about 20-30 minutes.  Sometimes I can get an hour or more when we're out and about.  You are a light sleeper and any little noise wakes you up.  You don't like napping in your crib, but sleep well at night.  We start bedtime after Vivian goes to bed around 6:30/7pm.  You sleep until 4:30/5am, eat, wake back up 15-30 minutes latet, eat again, wake up another 15-30 minutes later,  eat and then wake up for the day 7:00-8:00am.  I go up and down the stairs a lot in the early morning since Vivian is usually up at 5am.  Y'all like the early morning!      

You're not a fan of tummy time, but you are doing better than Vivian ever did.  You can lift your head, but you don't use your arms to push up, you use your core to lift. 

You're tolerating your car seat better. We have to time our outings to when you might fall asleep.  There are a few occasions when both you and your sister fall asleep on our way home which is so nice for mommy :)

You are cooing and love getting kisses.  Kisses bring the biggest smile on your face.  

You don't like for me to sit with you.  You prefer me standing, you facing forward or bouncing.  You like motion, but not of the vibrating setting on your bouncer chair.

You love being outside!  That's your happy place.  You also love being on your playmat.  You kick, "talk," giggle. So fun to watch you!

You love your big sister.  If you're fussy, which happens everyday, when Vivian loves on you you stop being fussy.  Love that you let her console you.  You also love watching her play.  She likes to feed you with her pretend food, and every now and then when I'm not looking, you try to share real food.

You are growing into an even more beautiful little girl each and every day sweet buttercup.  I love you oh so much!!!


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